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王宇飞 男 硕导 中国科学院半导体研究所电子邮件: yufeiwang@semi.ac.cn通信地址: 北京市海淀区清华东路甲35号 中国科学院半导体研究所邮政编码: 100083
2009-09--2013-06 中国科学院大学/清华大学 博士
2013-07~现在, 中国科学院半导体研究所, 副研究员
[1] 郑婉华, 陈静瑄, 傅廷, 王宇飞, 王学友, 齐爱谊. 一种具有拓扑性质的条形半导体激光器阵列及其应用.&nbspCN:&nbspCN112909739A,&nbsp2021-06-04.[2] 郑婉华, 刘志爽, 王宇飞. 电泵浦钙钛矿复合腔激光器.&nbspCN:&nbspCN109687290B,&nbsp2021-01-15.[3] 郑婉华, 徐林海, 王宇飞, 贾宇飞. 半导体激光器.&nbspCN:&nbspCN111952839A,&nbsp2020-11-17.[4] 郑婉华, 刘志爽, 王宇飞. 电泵浦钙钛矿量子点激光器的制备方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN108063365B,&nbsp2020-11-13.[5] 郑婉华, 王学友, 王宇飞, 傅廷. 基于宇称时间对称性的三腔耦合激光器.&nbspCN:&nbspCN111029900B,&nbsp2020-11-03.[6] 王宇飞, 郑婉华, 贾宇飞, 徐林海. 用于显示和成像的光子晶体激光器.&nbspCN:&nbspCN110265869B,&nbsp2020-09-15.[7] 郑婉华, 徐林海, 王宇飞, 贾宇飞. 用于激光显示的激光光源.&nbspCN:&nbspCN110265870B,&nbsp2020-05-22.[8] 郑婉华, 傅廷, 王宇飞, 王学友. 准PT对称的双脊条半导体激光器及其应用.&nbspCN:&nbspCN110808530A,&nbsp2020-02-18.[9] 郑婉华, 徐林海, 王宇飞, 贾宇飞. 用于激光显示的激光光源.&nbspCN:&nbspCN110289551A,&nbsp2019-09-27.[10] 郑婉华, 王少华, 王宇飞. 双通道长波红外探测器.&nbspCN:&nbspCN109461786A,&nbsp2019-03-12.[11] 郑婉华, 贾宇飞, 王宇飞, 齐爱谊. 一种直接用于显示的高功率低相干性激光光源.&nbspCN:&nbspCN109449758A,&nbsp2019-03-08.[12] 郑婉华, 王少华, 王宇飞, 祁帆, 郭小杰, 马庆艳. 全半导体中红外可调频吸收器.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN106019432B,&nbsp2018-08-10.[13] 郑婉华, 刘云, 渠红伟, 刘磊, 王宇飞. 准三维光子晶体窄线宽激光器.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN105098582B,&nbsp2018-08-10.[14] 郑婉华, 张斯日古楞, 王宇飞, 齐爱谊. 适用于激光显示的消相干准三维光子晶体超辐射光源.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN104993376B,&nbsp2018-03-23.[15] 郑婉华, 王海玲, 冯朋, 张斯日古楞, 王宇飞, 刘安金. 一种硅波导输出的单模硅基混合激光光源.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN104092096B,&nbsp2017.10.03.[16] 郑婉华, 刘云, 渠红伟, 刘磊, 王宇飞. 变周期倾斜光栅激光器及制备方法.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN104917052B,&nbsp2017-10-24.[17] 郑婉华, 王宇飞, 祁帆, 马庆艳, 王少华. 基于开口孔共振耦合效应的等离激元全光逻辑器件.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN104793286B,&nbsp2017-10-03.[18] 郑婉华, 赵鹏超, 王宇飞, 周旭彦, 林羽喆. 一种半导体超短脉冲高重频激光器.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN105449515A,&nbsp2016-03-30.[19] 张冶金, 郑婉华, 王海玲, 渠红伟, 王宇飞. 大容差耦合波导.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN105353461A,&nbsp2016-02-24.[20] 郑婉华, 张斯日古楞, 王宇飞, 齐爱谊, 马传龙, 刘磊, 刘云, 郭小杰. 一种非对称金属光栅包覆半导体多量子阱波导激光器.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN103887709A,&nbsp2014.06.25.[21] 郑婉华, 刘云, 刘磊, 王宇飞, 齐爱谊. 一种同时调制波长和发散角的光子晶体边发射激光器.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN103996972A,&nbsp2014-08-20.[22] 郑婉华, 张瑞, 冯志刚, 王宇飞, 祁帆, 张斯日古楞. 基于微纳波导及空气狭槽耦合阵列的可集成量子行走器件.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN103955021A,&nbsp2014-07-30.[23] 郑婉华, 张斯日古楞, 王宇飞, 祁帆, 冯志刚, 刘磊, 冯鹏, 赵鹏超. 一种共面电极电注入表面等离子微纳结构波导输出激光源.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN103887702A,&nbsp2014-06-25.[24] 郑婉华, 郭小杰, 王宇飞, 齐爱谊, 刘磊. 一种大面阵相干光子晶体面发射激光光源结构.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN103887711A,&nbsp2014-06-25.[25] 郑婉华, 王宇飞, 冯志刚, 祁帆. 基于光子晶体自准直效应的可集成光量子行走器件.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN103675993A,&nbsp2014-03-26.[26] 郑婉华, 祁帆, 冯志刚, 王宇飞. 基于光子晶体的可集成量子行走器件.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN103235362A,&nbsp2013-08-07.[27] 郑婉华, 江斌, 王宇飞, 冯志刚. 光子晶体定向耦合波导分束器.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102736174A,&nbsp2012-10-17.[28] 郑婉华, 江斌, 王宇飞, 张冶金, 冯志刚. 基于磁光光子晶体的4×4二进制发生器.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102707462A,&nbsp2012-10-03.[29] 郑婉华, 付非亚, 王宇飞, 晏新宇, 周文君, 陈微. 一种等离子体耦合模式激光器.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102664349A,&nbsp2012-09-12.[30] 郑婉华, 付非亚, 王宇飞, 晏新宇, 周文君, 陈微. 一种双维度上克服衍射极限的等离子体激光器.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102646928A,&nbsp2012-08-22.[31] 王宇飞, 晏新宇, 付非亚, 刘安金, 周文君, 陈微, 郑婉华. 双新月对结构的化学传感系统.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102175705A,&nbsp2011-09-07.[32] 付非亚, 王宇飞, 晏新宇, 刘安金, 周文君, 郑婉华. 增强纳米三明治品质因子的结构.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102166845A,&nbsp2011-08-31.[33] 马绍栋, 付非亚, 王宇飞, 王海玲, 彭红玲, 郑婉华. 基于刻蚀技术的SIS结太阳能电池.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102163638A,&nbsp2011-08-24.[34] 范学东, 马传龙, 王海玲, 王宇飞, 马绍栋, 郑婉华. 一种铁电晶体材料的极化方法.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102122105A,&nbsp2011-07-13.[35] 刘安金, 陈微, 周文君, 付非亚, 王宇飞, 郑婉华. 高反射率高带宽的亚波长光栅反射镜的制作方法.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102109625A,&nbsp2011-06-29.[36] 付非亚, 王宇飞, 晏新宇, 刘安金, 周文君, 郑婉华. 分析调控纳米三明治结构谐振波长的等效电路方法.&nbsp中国:&nbspCN102064784A,&nbsp2011-05-18.
[1] Chen, Jingxuan, Wang, Yufei, Fu, Ting, Wang, Xueyou, Dai, Yingqiu, Zheng, Wanhua. Mode degeneracy and enhanced sensitivity in electrically injected PT-symmetric semiconductor laser with a quasi-high-order exceptional point. APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS[J]. 2021, 14(12):&nbsp[2] 郑婉华. 低相干性激光的研究进展. 光学学报. 2021, [3] Jia, Yufei, Wang, Yufei, Zhou, Xuyan, Xu, Linhai, Ma, Pijie, Chen, Jingxuan, Qu, Hongwei, Zheng, Wanhua. Narrow vertical beam divergence angle for display applications of 645 nm lasers. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS[J]. 2021, 19(10):&nbsp[4] Xu, Linhai, Wang, Yufei, Jia, Yufei, Liu, Lingjuan, Shi, Tao, Zheng, Wanhua. Aquarius-Shaped Semiconductor Laser With High Directivity and Adjustable Coherence. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS[J]. 2021, 33(23):&nbsp1329-1332, [5] 郑婉华. 基于PT对称和超对称的微结构激光器. 中国激光. 2021, [6] Fu, Ting, Wang, Yufei, Zhou, Xuyan, Du, Fangling, Fan, Jian, Wang, Xueyou, Chen, Jingxuan, Qi, Aiyi, Zheng, Wanhua. Approaches to tuning the exceptional point of PT-symmetric double ridge stripe lasers. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2021, 29(13):&nbsp20440-20448, http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.423266.[7] 王学友, 王宇飞, 郑婉华. Parity-time对称性对电注入半导体激光器的模式控制. 物理学报[J]. 2020, 69(2):&nbsp103-108, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7100827720.[8] 范策, 王宇飞, 屈晋先, 郑婉华. 低对比度光栅诱导的激光腔中准连续域束缚态研究. 半导体光电. 2020, 41(5):&nbsp627-631, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7103316756.[9] Liu, Zhishuang, Zhou, Xuyan, Jia, Xiaohao, Wang, Yufei, Zheng, Wanhua, Wang, Zhijie. Visible light perovskite-coated photonic crystal surface-emitter on SOI. SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2020, 35(7):&nbsphttps://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000543016900001.[10] Zhou, Xuyan, Ma, Xiaolong, Qu, Hongwei, Qi, Aiyi, Chen, Zhonghao, Wang, Yufei, Zheng, Wanhua. Extremely high-brightness tapered photonic crystal diode laser with narrow-emitting aperture. APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS[J]. 2019, 12(9):&nbsp[11] Chen, ZhongHao, Qu, HongWei, Ma, XiaoLong, Qi, AiYi, Zhou, XuYan, Wang, YuFei, Zheng, WanHua. High-Brightness Low-Divergence Tapered Lasers with a Narrow Taper Angle. CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS[J]. 2019, 36(8):&nbsphttp://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=87767566504849574856484856.[12] Wang Yufei. Compact two-dimensional photonic crystal bandedge resonance for perovskite laser. Proc. SPIE. 2018, [13] Liu Zhishuang, Sun Mingfei, Ma Qingyan, Wang Yufei, Qu Hongwei, Zheng Wanhua, Wang Zhijie, Zhou Z, Wada K. Two-dimensional photonic crystal bandedge resonance for perovskite laser on silicon. NANOPHOTONICS AND MICRO/NANO OPTICS IVnull. 2018, 10823: [14] 郑婉华. Optical simulations on silicon microstructure chips: quantum walk and its applications. CLEO. 2017, [15] Peng-Chao Zhao, Fan Qi, Ai-Yi Qi, Yu-Fei Wang, Wan-Hua Zheng. Static and Dynamic Analysis of Lasing Action from Single and Coupled Photonic Crystal Nanocavity Lasers. CHIN. PHYS. LETT.[J]. 2017, 34(2):&nbsp024202-, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/28711.[16] 郑婉华. Simulating continue-time and discrete-time quantum walks with self-collimated light. Proc. SPIE. 2017, [17] Liu, Y, Qu, H W, Zhao, S Y, Zhou, X Y, Wang, Y F, Zheng, W H. Angled-cavity lasers with photonic-crystal structure and high-order surface gratings. SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2017, 32(1):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/28707.[18] Yang Chen, Yu-Fei Wang, Hong-Wei Qu, Yu-Fang Zhang, Yun Liu, Xiao-Long Ma, Xiao-Jie Guo, Peng-Chao Zhao, Wan-Hua Zheng. High Coupling Efficiency of the Fiber-Coupled Module Based on Photonic-Band-Crystal Laser Diodes. CHIN. PHYS. LETT.[J]. 2017, 34(7):&nbsp074205-, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/28700.[19] 张二磊, 王宇飞, 郑婉华. 金属/介质光栅套构超材料院从吸收到辐射. 航空兵器. 2017, 77-82, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=674279543.[20] Zhao Pengchao, Qi Fan, Qi Aiyi, Wang Yufei, Zheng Wanhua. Static and Dynamic Analysis of Lasing Action from Single and Coupled Photonic Crystal Nanocavity Lasers. 中国物理快报:英文版[J]. 2017, 34(2):&nbsp024202_01-024202_04, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=671579761.[21] 周旭彦, 赵少宇, 马晓龙, 刘云, 李伦华, 林羽喆, 齐爱谊, 王宇飞, 渠红伟, 郑婉华. 低垂直发散角高亮度光子晶体半导体激光器. 中国激光[J]. 2017, 44(2):&nbsp0201010-01, [22] Guo, X J, Wang, Y F, Jia, Y F, Zheng, W H. Electrically-driven spectrally-broadened random lasing based on disordered photonic crystal structures. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS[J]. 2017, 111(3):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/28702.[23] 郑婉华. Optical simulations on silicon microstructure chips: quantum walk and its applications. CLEO. 2017, [24] Peng-Chao Zhao, Fan Qi, Ai-Yi Qi, Yu-Fei Wang, Wan-Hua Zheng. Static and Dynamic Analysis of Lasing Action from Single and Coupled Photonic Crystal Nanocavity Lasers. CHIN. PHYS. LETT.[J]. 2017, 34(2):&nbsp024202-, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/28711.[25] 郑婉华. Simulating continue-time and discrete-time quantum walks with self-collimated light. Proc. SPIE. 2017, [26] Guo, Xiaojie, Wang, Yufei, Qi, Aiyi, Qi, Fan, Zhang, Siriguleng, Zheng, Wanhua. Lateral Cavity Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Laser With Narrow Divergence Angle. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS[J]. 2016, 28(18):&nbsp1976-1979, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/27947.[27] Zhang, Si, Wang, Yufei, Wang, Shaohua, Zheng, Wanhua. Wavelength-tunable perfect absorber based on guided-mode resonances. APPLIED OPTICS[J]. 2016, 55(12):&nbsp3176-3181, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/27950.[28] Qi, F, Wang, Y F, Ma, Q Y, Zheng, W H. Experimentally simulating quantum walks with self-collimated light. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS[J]. 2016, 6: http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/27965.[29] Qi, Fan, Ma, Qingyan, Wang, Yufei, Zheng, Wanhua. Large-aperture subwavelength grating couplers. APPLIED OPTICS[J]. 2016, 55(11):&nbsp2960-2966, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/27946.[30] Guo, Xiaojie, Wang, Yufei, Qi, Aiyi, Qi, Fan, Zhang, Siriguleng, Zheng, Wanhua. Lateral Cavity Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Laser With Narrow Divergence Angle. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS[J]. 2016, 28(18):&nbsp1976-1979, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/27947.[31] Zhang, Si, Wang, Yufei, Wang, Shaohua, Zheng, Wanhua. Wavelength-tunable perfect absorber based on guided-mode resonances. APPLIED OPTICS[J]. 2016, 55(12):&nbsp3176-3181, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/27950.[32] Qi, F, Wang, Y F, Ma, Q Y, Zheng, W H. Experimentally simulating quantum walks with self-collimated light. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS[J]. 2016, 6: http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/27965.[33] Qi, Fan, Ma, Qingyan, Wang, Yufei, Zheng, Wanhua. Large-aperture subwavelength grating couplers. APPLIED OPTICS[J]. 2016, 55(11):&nbsp2960-2966, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/27946.[34] Liu, Lei, Qu, Hongwei, Liu, Yun, Wang, Yufei, Qi, Aiyi, Guo, Xiaojie, Zhao, Pengchao, Zhang, Yejin, Zheng, Wanhua. Design and Analysis of Laser Diodes Based on the Longitudinal Photonic Band Crystal Concept for High Power and Narrow Vertical Divergence. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS[J]. 2015, 21(1):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26967.[35] Qi Aiyi, Wang Yufei, Guo Xiaojie, Zheng Wanhua. A novel lateral cavity surface emitting laser with top sub-wavelength grating. JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS[J]. 2015, 36(1):&nbsp014012-1, [36] Feng Peng, Zhang Yejin, Wang Yufei, Liu Lei, Zhang Siriguleng, Wang Hailing, Zheng Wanhua. A novel hybrid III-V/silicon deformed micro-disk single-mode laser. JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS[J]. 2015, 36(2):&nbsp024012-1, [37] Liu, Lei, Qu, Hongwei, Liu, Yun, Wang, Yufei, Qi, Aiyi, Guo, Xiaojie, Zhao, Pengchao, Zhang, Yejin, Zheng, Wanhua. Design and Analysis of Laser Diodes Based on the Longitudinal Photonic Band Crystal Concept for High Power and Narrow Vertical Divergence. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS[J]. 2015, 21(1):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26967.[38] Qi Aiyi, Wang Yufei, Guo Xiaojie, Zheng Wanhua. A novel lateral cavity surface emitting laser with top sub-wavelength grating. JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS[J]. 2015, 36(1):&nbsp014012-1, [39] Feng Peng, Zhang Yejin, Wang Yufei, Liu Lei, Zhang Siriguleng, Wang Hailing, Zheng Wanhua. A novel hybrid III-V/silicon deformed micro-disk single-mode laser. JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS[J]. 2015, 36(2):&nbsp024012-1, [40] Liu, L, Liu, Y, Qu, H W, Wang, Y F, Wang, H L, Feng, Z G, Zhang, Y J, Zheng, W H. Angled cavity photonic crystal laser diodes with tilted sidewalls for improving far-field patterns. OPTICS LETTERS[J]. 2014, 39(8):&nbsp2391-2394, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26342.[41] Liu, Lei, Qu, Hongwei, Wang, Yufei, Ma, Chuanlong, Qi, Aiyi, Zhang, Siriguleng, Zheng, Wanhua. Comprehensive design and analysis of diode laser arrays with an integrated phase shifter. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS[J]. 2014, 47(4):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26065.[42] Qi, F, Feng, Z G, Wang, Y F, Xu, P, Zhu, S N, Zheng, W H. Photon-number correlations in waveguide lattices with second order coupling. JOURNAL OF OPTICS[J]. 2014, 16(12):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26011.[43] Liu, Lei, Qu, Hongwei, Liu, Yun, Zhang, Yejin, Wang, Yufei, Qi, Aiyi, Zheng, Wanhua. High-power narrow-vertical-divergence photonic band crystal laser diodes with optimized epitaxial structure. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS[J]. 2014, 105(23):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/25992.[44] Wang Yufei. Design of high power and narrow divergence angle photonic crystal surface emitting laser. Proc. SPIE. 2014, [45] Bin Jiang, Yejin Zhang, Yufei Wang, Wanhua Zheng. Self-collimated 1×2 TM-polarized beam splitter based on photonic crystal surface mode. Optics Communications. 2014, 310: 114-119, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2013.07.042.[46] Jiang, Bin, Zhang, Yejin, Wang, Yufei, Zheng, Wanhua. Self-collimated 1 x 2 TM-polarized beam splitter based on photonic crystal surface mode. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2014, 310: 114-119, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26466.[47] Ma, Chuanlong, Wang, Yufei, Liu, Lei, Fan, Xuedong, Qi, Aiyi, Feng, Zhigang, Yang, Feng, Peng, Qinjun, Xu, Zuyan, Zheng, Wanhua. Dark blue Cerenkov second harmonic generation in the two-layer-stacked hexagonal periodically poled MgO: LiNbO(3)s. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS[J]. 2014, 12(3):&nbsphttps://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000334976200002.[48] Zhang, Rui, Wang, Yufei, Zhang, Yejin, Feng, Zhigang, Qi, Fan, Liu, Lei, Zheng, Wanhua. Broadband and polarization-insensitive subwavelength grating reflector for the near-infrared region. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS[J]. 2014, 12(2):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/25977.[49] Zhao, P C, Feng, Z G, Qi, F, Qi, A Y, Wang, Y F, Zheng, W H, Zhu, N, Hofmann, WH. BLUE SHIFT OF LASER MODE IN PHOTONIC CRYSTAL MICROCAVITY. SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS AND APPLICATIONS VInull. 2014, 9267: [50] Liu, Lei, Qu, Hongwei, Wang, Yufei, Liu, Yun, Zhang, Yejin, Zheng, Wanhua. High-brightness single-mode double-tapered laser diodes with laterally coupled high-order surface grating. OPTICS LETTERS[J]. 2014, 39(11):&nbsp3231-3234, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26139.[51] Liu, L, Liu, Y, Qu, H W, Wang, Y F, Wang, H L, Feng, Z G, Zhang, Y J, Zheng, W H. Angled cavity photonic crystal laser diodes with tilted sidewalls for improving far-field patterns. OPTICS LETTERS[J]. 2014, 39(8):&nbsp2391-2394, http://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26342.[52] Liu, Lei, Qu, Hongwei, Wang, Yufei, Ma, Chuanlong, Qi, Aiyi, Zhang, Siriguleng, Zheng, Wanhua. Comprehensive design and analysis of diode laser arrays with an integrated phase shifter. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS[J]. 2014, 47(4):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26065.[53] Qi, F, Feng, Z G, Wang, Y F, Xu, P, Zhu, S N, Zheng, W H. Photon-number correlations in waveguide lattices with second order coupling. JOURNAL OF OPTICS[J]. 2014, 16(12):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/26011.[54] Liu, Lei, Qu, Hongwei, Liu, Yun, Zhang, Yejin, Wang, Yufei, Qi, Aiyi, Zheng, Wanhua. High-power narrow-vertical-divergence photonic band crystal laser diodes with optimized epitaxial structure. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS[J]. 2014, 105(23):&nbsphttp://ir.semi.ac.cn/handle/172111/25992.[55] Wang Yufei. Design of high power and narrow divergence angle photonic crystal surface emitting laser. Proc. 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(1) 《纳米生物医学光电子学前沿》(第19章,光子晶体及表面等离子共振在纳米生物医学传感中的应用), “Advances in Nano Biomedical Optoelectronics” (Chapter 19 Applications of Photonic Crystal and Surface Plasmon Resonance in Nano Biomedical Sensing), 科学出版社, 2013-03, 第 1 作者(2) 《纳米光子学研究前沿》(第5章,基于光子晶体的微纳光电子器件研究), "Advances in Nanophotonics" (Chapter 5 Investigation on Photonic Crystal Micro-nano Optoelectronic Devices), 上海交通大学出版社, 2014-10, 第 1 作者
( 1 )&nbsp面向激光显示的半导体激光器(LD)时域/频域/空域调控研究, 主持, 国家级, 2016-07--2020-12( 2 )&nbsp高性能计算机光互联网络体系结构与系统光电集成技术研究, 参与, 国家级, 2012-01--2016-08( 3 )&nbsp光学超晶格新型纠缠光源及集成化在量子信息处理中的应用, 参与, 国家级, 2012-01--2016-08( 4 )&nbsp面向量子模拟、量子随机行走的微纳结构光子芯片研究, 参与, 国家级, 2014-01--2016-12( 5 )&nbsp面向细胞释放物Ca2+高灵敏检测的新型光电生物传感器, 主持, 省级, 2014-01--2016-06( 6 )&nbsp面向红外诱饵的光子晶体宽光谱级联超辐射特性研究, 主持, 院级, 2014-10--2016-09( 7 )&nbsp硅基表面等离子体激光器研究, 主持, 市地级, 2015-01--2015-12( 8 )&nbsp拓扑保护连续束缚光子态新光场调控机理与高性能激光研究, 参与, 国家级, 2019-01--2022-12( 9 )&nbsp新型单模低发散角超构腔激光研究, 主持, 国家级, 2021-01--2024-12( 10 )&nbsp硅基量子行走模拟芯片, 主持, 部委级, 2014-01--2017-12( 11 )&nbsp高性能人工带隙复合腔激光器模态调控与应用, 主持, 国家级, 2021-12--2026-11( 12 )&nbsp低相干性、高方向性、大功率半导体激光研究, 主持, 院级, 2020-08--2021-07
(1)Low vertical divergence angle and low coherence laser diodes for laser display Yufei Wang 2019-04-22(2)Complex Cavity Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Laser Yufei Wang 2018-08-01(3)Optical simulations on silicon microstructure chips: quantum walk and its applications 2017-05-14(4)Complex Cavity Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Laser 2017-04-18(5)Anomalous reflectivity and absorptivity of metastructures combined with metal and dielectric 王宇飞、刘安金、郑婉华 2013-02-02(6)Au-ITO Multilayer Grating: One-way Absorber at 1550 nm 王宇飞、郑婉华 2012-04-08(7)Plasmonic AND gate based on slit-hole resonators 王宇飞、郑婉华 2011-05-15(8)The optical property of single eccentric split-ring resonator 王宇飞、郑婉华 2010-10-18(9)Eccentric Split-ring Resonator Pair as a Sensor 王宇飞、付非亚、郑婉华 2010-09-04(10)Self-collimation Sensor Based on Folded Michelson Interferometer 王宇飞、郑婉华 2010-07-18
现指导学生刘灵娟 硕士研究生 080903-微电子学与固体电子学 马源 硕士研究生 080903-微电子学与固体电子学 季海洋 硕士研究生 080903-微电子学与固体电子学 廖子源 硕士研究生 080903-微电子学与固体电子学
2013 中国科学院大学,网络信息中心.