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孙晓琦 男 博导 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所电子邮件: xqsun@fjirsm.ac.cn通信地址: 福建省厦门市集美区兑山西珩路258号邮政编码: 361021
2003-09--2007-06 中国科学院研究生院 博士学位
2010年-2012年,美国橡树岭国家实验室 (ORNL),Chemical Sciences Division,
2012年-2013年,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 (LBNL),Glenn T. Seaborg Center, 博士后
2013年-2014年,加拿大麦基尔大学 (McGill University),Department of Mining and Materials Engineering,博士后
2007-2014年,中科院长春应用化学研究所,稀土资源利用国家重点实验室,助理研究员、副研究员; 2014年,加拿大麦基尔大学,副研究员;2016-2018年,美国杜克大学客座教授;2017-2020 年, 赣州稀土集团有限公司技术副总经理、国家离子型稀土资源高效开发利用工程技术研究中心副主任;2014年至今,中国科学院海西研究院研究员、博士生导师、课题组长、学术委员会委员、福建省稀土工程技术研究中心主任;
专利(1) 孙晓琦,王艳良,郭向广;一种稀土的萃取分离方法;专利号:ZL201410333408.0(2016年授权)(2) 孙晓琦,王艳良,郭向广;一种重稀土元素的萃取分离方法;专利号:ZL201410481761.3(2017年授权)(3) 孙晓琦,王艳良,董亚敏;一种钇的萃取分离用萃取剂及其萃取分离方法;专利号ZL201510270369.9(4) 孙晓琦,王艳良,董亚敏;一种钇的萃取分离方法;专利号:ZL201510777786.2(5) 孙晓琦,王艳良,董亚敏;一种从稀土废渣中回收钍和稀土元素的方法;专利号:ZL201610018037.6(6) 孙晓琦,黄彬,王艳良,黄超;一种纳米稀土氧化物粉体的制备方法;专利号:ZL201611055990.4(7) 孙晓琦,董亚敏,王艳良;一种中性膦萃取剂用于萃取分离钍的方法;专利号:ZL201611110454.X(8) Xiaoqi Sun, Yanling Wang, Yamin Dong; Extractant and method for extracting and separating yttrium; 申请号:AU2016202668(9) Xiaoqi Sun, Yanling Wang, Yamin Dong; Extractant and method for extracting and separating yttrium; 申请号:CA2925149(10) Xiaoqi Sun, Yanling Wang, Yamin Dong; Extractant and method for extracting and separating yttrium; 专利号:2019 US10428405B2(11) Xiaoqi Sun, Yamin Dong, Yanling Wang, Sen Qiu; Method for recovering thorium and rare earth elements from rare earth waste residues;专利号:2019 US10513754B2(12) 孙晓琦,王艳良,董亚敏;一种稀土萃取分离用萃取剂及其制备方法和萃取分离方法;专利号:ZL201710087507.9(13) 孙晓琦,邱森,王艳良,赵泽源;一种萃取剂功能化磁性二氧化硅复合材料及其制备方法和应用;申请号:201710210385.8(14) 孙晓琦,苏祥,董亚敏,王艳良;一种基于离子液的沉淀回收稀土的方法;申请号:201710980639.4(15) 孙晓琦,王艳良,苏佳;一种混合萃取剂和分离稀土钇的方法;申请号:201711079652.9(16) 孙晓琦,黄超,黄彬,王艳良;一种萃取分离稀土用离子液体的反萃和再生的方法;申请号:201711159021.8(17) 孙晓琦,王艳良,李福建;一种稀土萃取剂和分离稀土钇的方法,申请号:201710959340.0(18) 孙晓琦,王艳良,苏佳,一种离心萃取法从离子型稀土矿浸出母液中回收稀土的工艺,申请号:201710980173.8 (19) 孙晓琦,王艳良,周海月,一种有机沉淀剂及其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL201810194694.5(20) 孙晓琦,王艳良,崔建国,苏祥,周海月,王哲,陈禹夫;沉淀工业废水中钙镁的方法;申请号:201910088446.7(21) 孙晓琦,王艳良,崔建国,苏佳,王哲,陈禹夫;一种将硫酸稀土转化为氯化稀土的方法;申请号:201910088950.7(22) 孙晓琦,苏祥,王艳良,苏佳;一种萃取剂及其制备方法与应用;申请号:201910090076.0(23) 孙晓琦,苏佳;一种钍的萃取分离方法;专利号:ZL201910365340.7(24) 孙晓琦,胡轶文,倪帅男;一种萃取剂及其制备方法与应用;申请号:201910934304.8(25) 孙晓琦,陈倩文,倪帅男,赵泽原,高云;一种分离回收稀土离子的方法及其应用;申请号:201911225350.7(26) 孙晓琦,谢文琦,黄彬,肖瑜;一种掺杂铁/铽元素的Bi3YO6无机颜料及其制备方法与应用;申请号:201911225352.6(27) 孙晓琦,倪帅男,一种脂肪酸萃取分离金属离子的方法,专利号:ZL201910678312.0 (28) 孙晓琦,苏佳;一种基于POAA从放射性废渣浸出液中分离钍和富集稀土方法;申请号:201911225361.5(29) 孙晓琦,倪帅男,陈倩文,高云,郭向广;一种萃取剂及其制备方法与应用;申请号:201911225387.X(30) 孙晓琦,倪帅男,苏祥,支海兰;一种采用有机膦(磷)酸沉淀剂富集稀土矿浸出液中稀土的方法;申请号:202010238664.7(31) 孙晓琦,陈倩文;一种采取低共熔溶剂分离钍的方法;申请号:202010403860.5(32) 孙晓琦,苏祥;一种苯氧基双羧酸型功能化离子液体的制备及应用;申请号:202010513420.5(33) 孙晓琦,苏佳;一种离子型稀土矿放射性废渣的逐步浸出方法。申请号:202011245764.9(34) 孙晓琦,谢文琦, 肖瑜,黄彬;一种3M玻璃微珠@Bi3YO6无机颜料制备方法及应用。申请号:202010652123.9.(35) 孙晓琦,支海兰,倪帅男;磷酸类萃取-沉淀剂分离回收稀土的方法。申请号:202011098724.6.(36). 孙晓琦,曾志远,高云;一种功能离子液体及其制备方法和应用。申请号:202011345768.4(37). 孙晓琦,张鹤鹏,郭向广,一种对特辛基苯氧羧酸在含铜废水处理中的应用。申请号:202011425739.9(38). 孙晓琦,苏佳;一种从废渣浸出液中回收钍和稀土的方法。申请号:202011247680.9(39) 孙晓琦,肖瑜,黄彬,谢文琦,冯罗,一种高近红外反射稀土多彩颜料及其制备方法和应用,申请号:202011511117.8 (40) 孙晓琦、倪帅男,高云;一种有机萃取剂及其回收金属元素的方法和应用,申请号:202110028207.X奖励和荣誉2014年,英国化学工程师学会全球奖 (IChemE Global Awards),可持续技术奖,英国化学工程师学会;2016年,侯德榜化工科学技术奖,青年奖,中国化工学会;2016年,中国产学研合作奖,创新奖,中国产学研促进会;2015年,中国科学院****A类,中国科学院;2016年,福建省引进高层次人才B类,中共福建省委人才工作领导小组;2018年,首届中国稀土学会杰出工程师奖,中国稀土学会;2018年,福建省双百计划,中共福建省委人才工作领导小组;2018年,福建省****,中共福建省委人才工作领导小组;2018年,江西省双千计划,中共江西省委人才工作领导小组;2019年,赣州市十大科技创新人物,赣州市科协;2019年,中国科学院海西研究院卢嘉锡杰出人才,中国科学院海西研究院;2019年,厦门市高层次人才A类,中共厦门市委人才办;2019年,在中国科学院相关人才计划(****、青年****)入选者终期评估中,获得优秀(优秀率约20%),中国科学院;2020年,中国侨界贡献奖;2021年,福建省高层次人才A类;
( 1 )&nbsp一种3M玻璃微珠@Bi3YO6无机颜料制备方法及应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2021,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202010652123.9( 2 )&nbsp一种苯氧基双羧酸型功能化离子液体的制备及应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2021,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202010513420.5( 3 )&nbsp一种采取低共熔溶剂分离钍的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2021,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202010403860.5( 4 )&nbsp一种有机萃取剂及其回收金属元素的方法和应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2021,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202110028207.X( 5 )&nbsp一种高近红外反射稀土多彩颜料及其制备方法和应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2020,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202011511117.8( 6 )&nbsp磷酸类萃取-沉淀剂分离回收稀土的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2020,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202011098724.6.( 7 )&nbsp一种对特辛基苯氧羧酸在含铜废水处理中的应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2020,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202011425739.9( 8 )&nbsp一种功能离子液体及其制备方法和应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2020,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202011345768.4( 9 )&nbsp一种从废渣浸出液中回收针和稀土的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2020,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 20201124 7680.9( 10 )&nbsp一种离子型稀土矿放射性废渣的逐步浸出方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2020,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202011245764.9( 11 )&nbspMethod for recovering thorium and rare earth elements from rare earth waste residues,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2020,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: US15363698( 12 )&nbsp一种采用有机膦(磷)酸沉淀剂富集稀土矿浸出液中稀土的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2020,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 202010238664.7( 13 )&nbsp一种基于离子液的沉淀回收稀土的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2020,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201710980639.4( 14 )&nbsp一种掺杂铁铽元素的Bi3YO6无机 颜料及其制备方法与应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201911225352.6( 15 )&nbsp一种基于POAA从放射性废渣浸出液中分离钍和富集稀土方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201911225361.5( 16 )&nbsp一种萃取剂及其制备方法与应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201911225387.x( 17 )&nbsp一种分离回收稀土离子的方法及其应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201911225350.7( 18 )&nbsp一种稀土萃取分离用萃取剂及其制备方法和萃取分离方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201710087507.9( 19 )&nbsp一种脂肪酸萃取分离金属离子的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201910678312.0( 20 )&nbsp一种萃取剂及其制备方法与应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201910934304. 8( 21 )&nbspExtractant and method for extracting and separating yttrium,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: US15081344( 22 )&nbsp一种中性膦萃取剂用于萃取分离钍的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201611110454.X( 23 )&nbsp沉淀工业废水中钙镁的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201910022456.0( 24 )&nbsp一种将硫酸稀土转化为氯化稀土的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2019,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201910022295.5( 25 )&nbsp一种有机沉淀剂及其制备方法和应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2018,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201810194694.5( 26 )&nbsp一种钇的萃取剂及其萃取分离方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2017,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201510270369.9( 27 )&nbsp一种萃取分离稀土用离子液体的反萃和再生方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2017,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201711159021.8( 28 )&nbsp一种混合萃取剂和分离稀土钇的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2017,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201711079652.9( 29 )&nbsp一种稀土萃取剂和分离稀土钇的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2017,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201710959340.0( 30 )&nbsp一种钇的萃取分离方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2017,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201510777786.2( 31 )&nbsp一种具有高近红外反射率的稀土颜料及其制备方法和用途,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2017,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201710680537.0( 32 )&nbsp一种萃取剂功能化磁性二氧化硅复合材料及其制备方法和应用,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2017,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201710210385.8( 33 )&nbsp一种重稀土元素的萃取分离方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2017,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201410481761.3( 34 )&nbsp一种重稀土元素的协同萃取剂及其萃取分离方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2016,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201510247280.0( 35 )&nbspExtractant and Method for Extracting and Separating Yttrium,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2016,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: CA2925149( 36 )&nbsp一种从稀土废渣中回收钍和稀土元素的方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2016,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201610018037.6( 37 )&nbsp一种重稀土元素的萃取分离方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2014,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201410481761.3( 38 )&nbsp一种重稀土元素的萃取分离方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2014,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201410482467.4( 39 )&nbsp一种稀土的萃取分离方法,&nbsp发明专利,&nbsp2014,&nbsp第 1 作者,&nbsp专利号: 201410333408.0
主持科研项目:2015-2019,中国科学院****择优支持经费;2016-2019,离子液皂化在稀土分离工艺中应用的基础研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(21571179; 2017-2018, 清洁高效稀土提取和回收技术的研发与产业化示范,中科院STS区域中心项目 (2017T31010002);2018-2020, 离子型稀土矿清洁生产技术的研发及产业化示范,国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项 (2017YFE0106900);2018-2020,赣州稀土集团研发经费;
( 1 )&nbsp中科院福建物质结构研究所高层次人才引进启动专项, 负责人, 研究所自选, 2014-02--2016-01( 2 )&nbsp中国科学院****择优支持, 负责人, 国家任务, 2015-06--2018-06( 3 )&nbsp离子型稀土矿钇分离新工艺及高纯化产业示范, 负责人, 其他任务, 2015-09--2018-09( 4 )&nbsp离子液皂化在稀土分离工艺中应用的基础研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2016-01--2019-12( 5 )&nbsp离子型稀土矿清洁生产技术的研发及产业化示范, 负责人, 国家任务, 2018-01--2020-12( 6 )&nbsp清洁高效稀土提取和回收技术的研发与产业化示范, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2017-01--2018-12( 7 )&nbsp福建省****, 负责人, 地方任务, 2018-09--2022-09( 8 )&nbsp离子型稀土浸出母液新型富集技术研究-江西省重点研发项目, 参与, 地方任务, 2021-01--2022-12( 9 )&nbsp稀土资源高精度探测与高效开采关键技术-中科院重点部署项目, 参与, 中国科学院计划, 2021-01--2022-12( 10 )&nbsp福建省稀土材料及应用工程研究中心, 参与, 地方任务, 2019-01--2022-12
美国橡树岭国家实验室 (ORNL)
加拿大麦基尔大学 (McGill University)
已指导学生邱森 硕士研究生 085204-材料工程 赵泽原 博士研究生 070304-物理化学 李福建 博士研究生 070301-无机化学 苏祥 博士研究生 070301-无机化学 苏佳 博士研究生 070301-无机化学 别超 博士研究生 070301-无机化学 于高杉 硕士研究生 070301-无机化学 现指导学生倪帅男 博士研究生 070301-无机化学 莫棣棠 硕士研究生 070303-有机化学 曾志远 博士研究生 070301-无机化学
81. Hailan Zhi, Shuainan Ni, Xiang Su, Wenqi Xie, Hepeng Zhang, and Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation and recovery of rare earth from waste nickel-metal hydride batteries by phosphate based extraction-precipitation. Journal of rare earth, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jre.2021.04.012.80. Shuainan Ni, Jia Su, Hepeng Zhang, Zhiyuan Zeng, Hailan Zhi, Xiaoqi Sun*, A cleaner strategy for comprehensive recovery of waste SmCo magnets based on deep eutectic solvents, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 412, 12860279. Jia Su, Yun Gao, Shuainan Ni, Ruigao Xu, Xiaoqi Sun*, A safer and cleaner process for recovering thorium and rare earth from radioactive waste residue, 2020, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 406, 12465478. Xiang Su, Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, A Sustainable [P6,6,6,14]2[OPBOA]-based separation process of rare earth and transition metal in waste NiMH battery, Minerals Engineering, 160 (2021) 10664177. Jia Su, Xiangguang Guo, Yun Gao, Shan Wu, Ruigao Xu, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of thorium and rare earths from ion-absorbed rare earth radioactive residues, Journal of Rare Earths, 2020,  76. Qianwen Chen, Shuainan Ni, Guanghua Ai, Tao Zhang, Xiaoqi Sun*,A recovery strategy of Sm, Co for waste SmCo magnets by fatty acid based ionic liquids, Mineral engineering, 2020, 158, 0658175. Fujian Li, Zhong Xiao, Jingyao Zeng , Jinqing Chen, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of REEs from leaching liquor of ion-adsorbed-type rare earths ores, Hydrometallurgy,2020,196,105449.74. Chao Bie, Yun Gao, Jia Su, Yamin Dong, Xiangguang Guo, Xiaoqi Sun*, The efficient separation of thorium from rare earth using oxamic acid in hydrochloric acid medium, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 251: 11735873. Xiang Su, Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Phenoxy dicarboxylate type functionalized ionic liquids for selective recovery of valuable metals, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59: 1407572. Fujian Li, Jingyao Zeng, Xiaoqi Sun*, Functionalized ionic liquids based on vegetable oils for rare earth elements recovery, RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 2667171. Jinqing Chen, Wenqi Xie, Xiangguang Guo, Bin Huang, Yu Xiao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Near infrared reflective pigments based on Bi3YO6 for heat insulation, Ceramics International, 2020, 46, 2457570. Xiangguang Guo, Jia Su, Wenqi Xie, Shuainai Ni, Yun Gao, Xiang Su and Xiaoqi Sun*, Selective Th(IV) capture from a new metal–organic framework with O− groups, Dalton Transactions, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/C9DT04912F69. Shuainan Ni, Qianwen Chen, Yun Gao, Xiangguang Guo, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of rare earths from industrial wastewater using extraction-precipitation strategy for resource and environmental concerns, Mineral engineering, 2020, 151: 10631568. Jia Su, Ruigao Xu, Shuainan Ni, Fujian Li, and Xiaoqi Sun*, A cost-effective process for recovery thorium and rare earths from radioactive residues to relieve environmental concerns, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 254: 11993167. Yanliang Wang, Jia Su, Xiangguang Guo, Yan Bai, Fujian Li, Xiaoqi Sun*, Precipitation transformation of rare earth sulfate into chloride with p-dodecylphenoxy carboxylic acids, Journal of Rare Earths, 2019, 37: 1326-133366. Yanliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Yan Bai, Xiaoqi Sun*, Effective removal of calcium and magnesium sulfates from wastewater in rare earth industry, RSC Advances, 2019, 9: 33922-3393065. Zeyuan Zhao, Shuainan Ni, Xiang Su, Yun Gao, Xiaoq Sun*, Thermally reduced graphene oxide membrane with ultra high rejection of metal ions separation from water, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 717, 14874-1488264. Xiang Su, Yanliang Wang, Jia Su, Wei Lai, Yun Gao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Enrichment of rare earths in magnesium sulfate leach solutions of ion-absorption ores by extraction-precipitation, Hydrometallurgy, 2019, 189: 105-11963. Shuainan Ni, Caibin Wu, Yanliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Zeyuan Zhao and Xiaoqi Sun*, An extraction and precipitation process for the removal of Ca and Mg from ammonium sulfate rare earth wastewaters, Hydrometallurgy, 2019, 187: 63-7062. Fujian Li, Yanliang Wang, Xiang Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, Towards zero-consumption of acid and alkali recycling rare earths from scraps: A precipitation-stripping-saponification extraction strategy using CYANEX®572, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 228: 692-70261. Ying Xiong, Yun Gao, Xiangguang Guo, Yanliang Wang, Xiang Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, Water-stable MOF material with uncoordinated terpyridine site for selective Th(IV)/Ln(III) separation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 3120–312660 Haiyue Zhou, Yamin Dong, Yabin Wang, Zeyuan Zhao, Yu Xiao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of Th(IV) from leaching solutions of rare earth residues using a synergistic solvent extraction system consisting of Cyanex 572 and n-octyl diphenyl phosphate (ODP), Hydrometallurgy, 2019,183,186-19259. Chao Huang, Yabing Wang, Bin Huang, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*,⁠ The recovery of rare earth elements from coal combustion products by ionic liquids,Minerals Engineering, 2019, 130: 142-14758. Xiang Su, Yanliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Yamin Dong, Yun Gao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of Sm(III), Co(II) and Cu(II) from waste SmCo magnet by ionic liquid-based selective precipitation process, Waste Management, 2018, 78: 992-100057. Bin Huang, Yu Xiao, Haiyue Zhou, Jinqing Chen, and Xiaoqi Sun*, Synthesis and characterization of yellow pigments of Bi1.7RE0.3W0.7Mo0.3O6 (RE: Y, Yb, Gd, Lu) with highly NIR reflectance, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6: 10735-1074156. Xiang Su, Xiangguang Guo, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong, Yanliang Wang, Fujian Li and Xiaoqi Sun*, An efficient and sustainable [P6,6,6,14]2[BDOAC] ionic liquid based precipitation strategy for rare earth recovery, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 136, 786-79455. Yu Xiao, Jinqing Chen, Bin Huang, and Xiaoqi Sun*, Novel Bi3+ doped and Bi3+/Tb3+ co-doped LaYO3 pigments with high near-infrared reflectances, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.05.23354. Yanliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Yanfeng Bi, Jia Su, Weichang Kong and Xiaoqi Sun*, Enrichment of trace rare earth elements from leaching liquor of ion-absorption minerals by solid complex centrifugal separation process, Green Chemistry, 2018, 20: 1998-200653.Yabing Wang, Yanliang Wang, Xiang Su, Haiyue Zhou, Xiaoqi Sun, Complete separation of aluminum from rare earths using two-stage solvent extraction, Hydrometallurgy 2018,179:181–18752. Jinqing Chen, Yu Xiao, Bin Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Sustainable cool pigments based on iron and tungsten co-doped lanthanum cerium oxide with high NIR reflectance for energy saving, Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 154:1-751. Haiyue Zhou, Yanliang Wang, Xiangguang Guo, Yamin Dong, Xiang Su, Xiaoqi Sun*, The recovery of rare earth by a novel extraction and precipitation strategy using functional ionic liquids, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 254: 414–42050. Li Ma, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, A synergistic extraction strategy by Cyanex572 and Cyanex923 for Th(IV) separation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 191: 307-313.49. Huaping Nie, Yabing Wang, Yanliang Wang, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong and Xiaoqi Sun*, Recovery of scandium from rare earths and leaching solution of tungsten residue by Cyanex 572, Hydrometallurgy, 2018,175: 117-123.48. Xiangguang Guo, Zaiyong Zhang, Sen Qiu, Xiang Su, Yabing Wang and Xiaoqi Sun*,Versatile tailoring of NH2-containing metal-organic frameworks with paddle wheel units, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2017, 23: 1-8.47. Xiang-Guang Guo, Sen Qiu, Xiuting Chen, Yu Gong, and Xiaoqi Sun*, Post-synthesis modification of metallosalen-containing MOF for selective Th(IV)/Ln(III) separation, Inorganic chemistry, 2017, 56 (20): 12357-12361.46. Bin Huang, Yu Xiao, Chao Huang, Jinqing Chen, and Xiaoqi Sun*, Environment-friendly pigments based on praseodymium and terbium doped La2Ce2O7 with high near-infrared reflectance: Synthesis and characterization, Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 147: 225-233.45.Yanliang Wang, Yabing Wang, Haiyue Zhou, Fujian Li and Xiaoqi Sun*, Extraction kinetics of mixed rare earth elements with bifunctional ionic liquid using a constant interfacial area cell, RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 39556-39563.44. Yamin Dong, Shun Li, Xiang Su, Yanliang Wang, Yinglin Shen* and Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation of thorium from rare earths with high-performance diphenyl phosphate extractant, Hydrometallurgy, 2017, 171: 387-393.43. Zeyuan Zhao, Hui Lyu, Xiangguang Guo, Yamin Dong, Yanliang Wang, Xiaoqi Sun*,The synergistic extraction by combined ammonium and phosphonium type ionic liquids for rare earth elements separation, Hydrometallurgy, 2017,174: 234-247.42. LI Fujian, HE Qiaoyan, WANG Yanliang, ZHOU Hong, ZHANG Shuibo, SUN Xiaoqi*, Preparation of high purity neodymium chloride by solvent extraction in the mixer-settlers: a pilot-scale investigation, Journal of Rare Earths, 2017, 35: 1133-114041. Sen Qiu, Shun Li, Yamin Dong, Xiang Su, Yanliang Wang, Yinglin Shen*, Xiaoqi Sun*, A high-performance impregnated resin for recovering thorium from radioactive rare earth waste residue, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 237: 380-386.40. Chao Huang, Bin Huang, Yamin Dong, Jinqing Chen, Yanliang Wang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Efficient and sustainable regeneration of bifunctional ionic liquid for rare earth separation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5: 3471-347739. Yanliang Wang, Haiyue Zhou, Yabing Wang, Fujian Li and Xiaoqi Sun*, Separation of high-purity yttrium from ion-absorbed rare earth concentrate using (2,6-dimethylheptyl) phenoxy acetic/propanoic acid, Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 184 : 280-28738. Bin Huang, Chao Huang, Jinqing Chen, Xiaoqi Sun*, Size-controlled synthesis and morphology evolution of Nd2O3 nano-powders using ionic liquid surfactant templates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 712: 164-171.37. Yamin Dong,Xiangguang Guo,Yanliang Wang,Zeyuan Zhao,Chao Huang,Xiaoqi Sun*, A separation processing for industrial rare earth feed solution by phosphonium ionic liquid type saponification strategy, Journal of Rare Earths, 2017, 35: 290-299.36. Jinqing Chen, Bin Huang, Chao Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Preparation of nanoscaled yttrium oxide by citrate precipitation method, Journal of Rare Earths, 2017, 35: 79-84.35. Xiangguang Guo, Ruoou Yang, Yu Gong, Zheng Jiang, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Insight of coordination and extraction of Yttrium (III) with a new phenoxyacetic acid ionic liquid extractant, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 117: 2332-2339.34. Yanliang Wang, Chao Huang, Fujian Li, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Process for the separation of thorium and rare earth elements from radioactive waste residues using Cyanex®572 as a new extractant, Hydrometallurgy, 2017, 169: 158-164.33. Sen Qiu, Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Development of magnetic silica hybrid material with P507 for rare earth adsorption, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2017, 62: 469-476.32. Li Ma, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, A synergistic extraction strategy by [N1888][SOPAA] and Cyphos IL 104 for heavy rare earth elements separation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 174: 474-481.31. Xiangguang Guo, Haitao Sun, Xiaoqi Sun*, Structure, bonding and electronic properties of four rare earth complexes with a phenoxyacetic acid ligand: X-ray diffraction and DFT studies, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55: 6716-6722.30. Jinqing Chen, Chao Huang, Yanliang Wang, Bin Huang, Xiaoqi Sun*, Extraction behavior of bifunctional ionic liquid [N1888][SOPAA] and TBP for rare earth elements, Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34: 1252-1259.29. Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yanliang Wang, Chao Huang, Zeyuan Zhao, The sustainable and efficient ionic liquid type saponification strategy for rare earth separation processing, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4: 1573-158028. Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yujun Chai, Yanliang Wang, Reversed micelle synergistic extraction from phosphonium ionic liquid extractants in diluent for rare earth, AIChE Journal, 2016, 62: 2163-2169. 27. Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yamin Dong, Synergistic effect of doped functionalized ionic liquids in silica hybrid material for rare earth adsorption, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55: 2221-2229.26. Yanliang Wang, Chao Huang, Fujian Li, Yamin Dong, Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, The development of sustainable yttrium separation process from rare earth enrichments using bifunctional ionic liquid, Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 162: 106-113. 25. Zeyuan Zhao, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yamin Dong, Yanliang Wang, Synergistic effect of acid–base coupling bifunctional ionic liquids in impregnated resin for rare earth adsorption, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4: 616-624.24. Xiaoqi Sun*, Huimin Luo*, Shannon M. Mahurin, Rui Liu, Xisen Hou, Sheng Dai, The adsorption of rare earth ions using carbonized polydopamine nano carbon shells, Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34: 77-81. 23. Yanliang Wang, Fujian Li, Zeyuan Zhao, Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, The novel extraction process based on CYANEX® 572 for separating heavy rare earths from ion-adsorbed deposit, Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 151: 303-308. 22. Yamin Dong, Xiaoqi Sun*, Yanliang Wang, Yujun Chai, The development of an extraction strategy based on EHEHP-type functional ionic liquid for heavy rare earth element separation, Hydrometallurgy, 2015, 157: 256-260. 21. Xiaoqi Sun*, Yamin Dong, Yanliang Wang, Yujun Chai*, The Synergistic extraction of heavy rare earth elements using EHEHP-Type and BTMPP-Type functional ionic liquids, RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 49500-49507. 20. Xiaoqi Sun, Zhicheng Zhang, Zanonato Pier Luigi, Plinio dibernardo, Linfeng Rao*, Sorption of uranium and other metal ions on amine-functionalized silica materials, Separation Science and Technology, 2015, 50: 2769-2775.19. Xiaoqi Sun, Kristian E. Waters*, Synergistic effect between bifunctional ionic liquids and a molecular extractant for lanthanide separation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2014, 2: 2758-2764.18. Xiaoqi Sun, Kristian E. 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Xiaoqi Sun, Chao Xu, Guoxin Tian, Linfeng Rao*, Complexation of glutarimidedioxime with Fe(III), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Ni(II), the competing ions for the sequestration of U(VI) from seawater, Dalton Transations, 2013, 42: 14621-14627.13. Xiaoqi Sun, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai*, Mechanistic investigation of solvent extraction based on anion-functionalized ionic liquids for selective separation of rare-earth ions, Dalton Transations, 2013, 42: 8270-8275.12. Xiaoqi Sun, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai*, Ionic liquids based extraction: a promising strategy for the advanced nuclear fuel cycle, Chemical Reviews, 2012, 112: 2100-212811. Xiaoqi Sun, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai*, Solvent extraction of rare-earth ions based on functionalized ionic liquids, Talanta, 2012, 90: 132-137.10. Xiaoqi Sun, Jason R. Bell, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai*, Extraction separation of rare-earth ions via competitive ligand complexations between aqueous and ionic-liquid phases, Dalton Transations, 2011, 40: 8019-8023. 9. Xiaoqi Sun*, Yang Ji, Lin Guo, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, A novel ammonium ionic liquid based extraction strategy for separating scandium from yttrium and lanthanides, Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 81: 25-30. 8. Xiaoqi Sun, Yang Ji, Lina Zhang, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, The novel separation protocol of cobalt and nickel using inner synergistic extraction from bifunctional ionic liquid extractant (Bif-ILE), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 182: 447-452. 7. Xiaoqi Sun, Yang Ji, Fengchun Hu, Bo He, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, The inner synergistic effect of bifunctional ionic liquid extractant for solvent extraction, Talanta, 2010, 81: 1877-1883.6. Xiaoqi Sun, Yang Ji, Yu Liu, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, An engineering-purpose preparation strategy for ammonium-type ionic liquid with high purity, AIChE Journal, 2009, 56: 989-996. 5. 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Xiaoqi Sun, Dongbei Wu, Ji Chen*, Deqian Li, Separation of scandium(III) from lanthanides(III) with room temperature ionic liquid based extraction containing Cyanex 925, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2007, 82: 267-272.
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