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刘静 男 博导 理化技术研究所电子邮件:jliu@mail.ipc.ac.cn 通信地址:中国科学院理化技术研究所,北京中关村 邮政编码:100190
-- 研究生
-- 工学博士
刘静,中国科学院理化技术研究所双聘研究员/清华大学医学院生物医学工程系教授。清华大学工学士(能动系)、理学士(物理系)、工学博士(能动系);曾为美国普渡大学博士后、麻省理工学院高级访问学者,先后入选中国科学院及清华大学****。长期从事液态金属、生物医学工程与工程热物理等领域交叉科学问题研究并作出系列开创性贡献。发现液态金属诸多全新科学现象、基础效应和变革性应用途径,开辟了液态金属在生物医疗、柔性机器人、印刷电子、3D打印、先进能源以及芯片冷却等领域突破性应用,成果在世界范围产生广泛影响,为诸多科学杂志如MIT Technology Review, New Scientist等大量评介;研发的众多液态金属应用系统、高端肿瘤微创治疗装备及无线移动医学仪器等进入市场。出版有10余部跨学科前沿著作(多为国内外首版,多部多次再印,其中之一印刷5次)及20余应邀著作章节;发表期刊论文500余篇(含20余篇英文封面或封底故事);申报发明专利200余项,已获授权130余项。系2003年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者;曾获国际传热界最高奖之一“The William Begell Medal”、全国首届创新争先奖、中国制冷学会技术发明一等奖、ASME会刊Journal of Electronic Packaging年度唯一最佳论文奖、入围及入选“两院院士评选中国十大科技进展新闻”各1次,入选CCTV 2015年度十大科技创新人物等。
1.获评2017年度十大军工风云人物2.获首届全国创新争先奖状,20173.获得威廉•伯格奖(The William Begell Medal,国际传热界最高奖项之一,2014)(每4年颁发1次,每次在世界范围选出1名授奖,全球华人学者首获该奖)4.入选2015两院院士评选中国十大科技进展新闻(项目主持人)5.入选科技盛典CCTV 2015年度十大科技创新人物(个人奖)6.入围2014两院院士评选中国十大科技进展新闻(全国20名,项目主持人)7.2014中国制冷学会技术发明一等奖(排名1)8.2016年度北京市科学技术奖一等奖(排名4)9.中国青年科技奖,2007(个人奖)10.茅以升科学技术奖—北京青年科技奖,2008(个人奖)11.美国机械工程师学会会刊ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging2010-2011年度唯一最佳论文奖(中国大陆学者首次获得此奖,通讯作者),201112.第三届中国科学院科技成果在京转化先进团队特等奖(排名1),2013注:该奖项设立以来首次颁发特等奖,前两届空缺。13.入围美国科技界奥斯卡2015 R&D 100 Awards Finalists(全球200名,项目主持人)14.2015中关村十大科技创新成果奖(项目主持人)15.入选美国《Popular Science》(中文版)评选的2016年度全球100项最佳科技创新奖(发明及项目主持人)16.获《制冷学报》1979-2010发表文章高被引论文奖(通讯作者)注:从该刊30年间发表的全部文章中选出,在10篇获奖文章中位列第一17.获2015中国国际高新技术成果交易会优秀产品奖(发明及项目主持人)18.2014中国技术市场协会金桥奖(排名1)19.北京市技术市场金桥奖项目一等奖,2011(排名1)20.国家自然科学基金工程热物理学科项目结题获评“优+”,2011(项目主持人)21.中国科学院BHBP优秀教师奖(全科学院20名),201022.中国国际工业博览会创新奖,2008(技术发明人)23.国家自然基金委机械学科优秀项目奖(项目主持人,400余项中选出10项),200824.中国科学院朱李月华奖教金(全科学院100名),200825.中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师奖(全科学院50名),200726.获四年一度召开的第22届国际制冷大会(22th Int. Cong. Refrigeration)最佳张贴论文奖Best Poster Award(通讯作者之一),200727.中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师奖(全科学院49名),200628.中国科学院优秀教师称号,200629.清华大学****入选者,200530.国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,200331.中国科学院****入选者,1998
学术著作: 1.J. Liu, L. Yi, 《Liquid Metal Biomaterials: Principles and Applications》, Springer, 2018.2.J. Liu, L. Sheng, Z. Z. He, 《Liquid Metal Soft Machines: Principles and Applications》, Springer, 2018.3.刘静,《液态金属物质科学基础现象与效应》,上海:上海科学技术出版社,印刷中,2018.4.刘静,王倩,《液态金属印刷电子学》,上海:上海科学技术出版社,印刷中,2018.5.刘静,王磊,《液态金属3D打印技术:原理及应用》,上海:上海科学技术出版社,印刷中,2018.6.刘静,杨应宝,邓中山,《中国液态金属工业发展战略研究报告》,云南:云南科技出版社,印刷中,2018.7.刘静, 于洋, 刘琳,《手机平台上的生物医学工程学:原理及应用》, 北京:科学出版社, 2011.8.刘静, 饶伟, 贾得巍,《先进低成本医疗技术》, 北京:科学出版社, 2010.9.刘静, 邓月光, 贾得巍,《超常规能源技术》, 北京:科学出版社, 2010.10.刘静, 邓中山,《肿瘤热疗物理学》, 北京:科学出版社, 2008.11.刘静,《热学微系统技术》, 北京:科学出版社, 2008.12.刘静,《低温生物医学工程学原理》, 北京:科学出版社, 2007.13.刘静,《微米/纳米尺度传热学》, 北京:科学出版社, 2001(2006年第4次印刷).14.劉靜,《微米奈米尺度傳熱學》, 台灣:五南出版社, 2004.15.刘静, 《SARS 医学中的物理热学方法与应用》, 北京:科学出版社, 2004.16.刘静,王存诚, 《生物传热学》, 北京:科学出版社, 1997.近期发表的部分英文期刊文章(2010-,*通讯作者)1.Chen S., Yang X., Cui Y., Liu, J., Self-Growing and Serpentine Locomotion of Liquid Metal Induced by Copper Ions, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 10 (27), pp 22889–22895, 2018.2.Guo, Rui; Wang, Hongzhang; Duan, Minghui; Yu, Wenzhuo; Wang, Xiangjiang; Liu, Jing, Stretchable Electronics based on Nano-Fe GaIn Amalgams for Smart Flexible Pneumatic Actuator, Smart Materials and Structures, 27: 085022 (10pp), 2018.3.X. Wang, W. Yao, R. Guo, X. Yang, J. Tang, J. Zhang, W. Gao, V. Timchenko, and J. Liu*, Soft and moldable Mg-doped liquid metal for conformable skin tumor photothermal therapy, Advanced Healthcare Materials, vol. 7(14), pp. 1800318 , 2018.4.J. Tang*, X. Zhao, J. Li, and J. Liu*, Thin, Porous, and Conductive Networks of Metal Nanoparticles through Electrochemical Welding on a Liquid Metal Template, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 1800406 , 2018.5.Xuelin Wang, Rui Guo and Jing Liu*, Liquid Metal Based Soft Robotics: Materials, Designs and Applications, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2018, (Invited Review).6.Rui Guo, Jianbo Tang, Shijin Dong, Ju Lin, Hongzhang Wang, and Jing Liu*, Wei Rao*, One-Step Liquid Metal Transfer Printing: Towards Fabrication of Flexible Electronics on Wide Range of Substrates, Advanced Materials Technologies, https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.201800265, 2018 (Cover article).7.Y. Cui, F. Liang, Z. Yang, S. Xu, X. Zhao, Y. Ding, Z. Lin, J. Liu*, Metallic Bond Enabled Wetting Behavior at the Liquid Ga/CuGa2 Interfaces, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 10, pp. 9203−9210, 2018.8.R. Guo, X. Wang, H. Chang, W. Yu, S. Liang, W. Rao, and J. Liu*, Ni-GaIn amalgams enabled rapid and customizable fabrication of wearable and wireless healthcare electronics, Adv. Eng. Mater., 20: 1800054, 2018 (Cover article).9.S. T. Liang, W. Rao, K. Song, J. Liu*, Fluorescent liquid metal as transformable biomimetic chameleon, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol. 9(2), pp. 1589-1596, 2018.10.S. Xu, X. Zhao, J. Liu*, Liquid metal activated aluminum-water reaction for direct hydrogen generation at room temperature, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 92: 17-37, 2018.11.Z. N. Zhao, J. Lin, Y. Yu, J. Liu*, L. Wang, Liquid metal enabled flexible electronic system for eye movement tracking, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18(6), pp. 2592-2598, 2018.12.R. Guo, X. Wang, W. Yu, J. Tang, and J. Liu*, A highly conductive and stretchable wearable liquid metal electronic skin for long-term conformable health monitoring, Science China Technological Sciences, doi/10.1007/s11431-018-9253-9 2018.13.B. Yuan, Z. He, J. Liu*, Effect of Electric Field on the Wetting Behavior of Eutectic Gallium–Indium Alloys in Aqueous Environment, Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 47(5), pp. 2782–2790, 2018.14.S. T. Liang, H.-Z. Wang, J. Liu*, Progress, mechanism and application of liquid metal catalysis system: A Review. Chemistry - A European Journal, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201801957, 2018.15.S. Xu, X. Zhao, J. Liu*, Liquid metal activated aluminum-water reaction for direct hydrogen generation at room temperature, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 92: 17-37, 2018.16.P. Fan, Z. Sun, Y. Wang, H. Chang, P. Zhang, S. Yao, C. Lu, W. Rao, J. Liu, Nano liquid metal for the preparation of a thermally conductive and electrically insulating material with superior stability, RSC Advances, 8, 16232-16242, 2018.17.Y. Sun, S. Xu, S. Tan and J. Liu*, Multiple electrohydrodynamic effects on the morphology and running behavior of tiny liquid metal motors, Micromachines, 9(4), 192, 2018.18.Xuelin Wang, Yi Ren, Jing Liu, Liquid Metal Enabled Electrobiology: A New Frontier to Tackle Disease Challenges, Micromachines 9(7): 360, 2018.19.Yi Ren, Jing Liu*, Liquid-Metal Enabled Droplet Circuits, Micromachines, 9(5): 218, https://doi.org/10.3390/mi9050218, 2018.20.H. Z. Wang, B. Yuan, S. T. Liang, R. Guo, W. Rao, X. L. Wang, H. Chang, Y. Ding, J. Liu*, L. Wang*, PLUS-Material: Porous Liquid-metal Enabled Ubiquitous Soft Material, Materials Horizons, vol. 5, pp. 222-229, 2018 (Cover article).21.Sen Chen, Yujie Ding, Qinglei Zhang, Lei Wang, Jing Liu*, Controllable dispersion and reunion of liquid metal droplets, Science China Materials, DOI:10.1007/s40843-018-9325-3, 2018.22.Sen Chen, Lei Wang, Qinglei Zhang, Jing Liu*, Liquid metal fractals induced by synergistic oxidation, Science Bulletin, DOI:10.1016/j.scib.2018.10.008, 2018.23.Yuntao Cui, Yujie Ding, Shuo Xu, Yushu Wang, Wei Rao and Jing Liu*, Study on Heat Transfer and Corrosion Resistance of Anodized Aluminum Alloy in Gallium-Based Liquid Metal, ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, doi:10.1115/1.4041665, 2018.24.Xiao-Hu Yang, Si-Cong Tan, Zhi-Zhu He, Jing Liu, Finned heat pipe assisted low melting point metal PCM heat sink against extremely high power thermal shock, Energy Conversion and Management, 160:467-476, 2018.25.Xiao-Hu Yang, Jing Liu, A novel method for determining the melting point, fusion latent heat, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of phase change materials, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127: 457-468, 2018.26.Yuntao Cui, Yujie Ding,Shuo Xu, Zhenze Yang, Pengju Zhang, Wei Rao, Jing Liu, Liquid Metal Corrosion Effects on Conventional Metallic Alloys Exposed to Eutectic Gallium–Indium Alloy Under Various Temperature States, International Journal of Thermophysics, 39(10):113, 2018.27.L. Yi, J. Liu*, Liquid metal biomaterials: A newly emerging area to tackle modern biomedical challenges, International Materials Reviews, vol. 62, pp. 415-440, 2017 (Invited review).28.J. Tang, X. Zhao, J. Li, Y. Zhou, and J. Liu*, Liquid metal phagocytosis: Intermetallic wetting induced particle internalization, Advanced Science, vol.5, pp. 1700024 , 2017 (Cover article).29.J. Tang*, X. Zhao, Y. Zhou, J. Liu*, Triggering and tracing electro-hydrodynamic liquid-metal surface convection with a particle raft, Advanced Materials Interfaces, vol.4, pp. 1700939, 2017 (Back cover article).30.Q. Wang, Y. Yu, J. Liu*, Preparations, characteristics and applications of the functional liquid metal materials, Advanced Engineering Materials, 1700781, 2017 (Invited review).31.Y. Yu, F. Liu, R. Zhang, and J. Liu*, Suspension 3D printing of liquid metal into self-healing hydrogel, Adv. Mater. Technol., 1700173, 2017 (Cover article).32.J. Tang*, X. Zhao, J. Li, R. Guo, Y. Zhou, and J. Liu*, Gallium-based liquid metal amalgams: Transitional-state metallic mixtures (TransM2ixes) with enhanced and tunable electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (41), pp 35977–35987.33.X. Zhao, J. Tang, and J. Liu*, Surfing liquid metal droplet on the same metal bath via electrolyte interface, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 111, pp. 101603, 2017.34.R. Q. Zhao, H. Z. Wang, J. B. Tang, W. Rao*, and J. Liu*, Gas eruption phenomenon happening from Ga-In alloy in electrolyte, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 111, 2017.35.L. Wang, L. Yu, L. Yi, B. Yuan, Y. Hou,* X. Meng* and J. Liu*, Long time and distance self-propelling of a PVC sphere on a water surface with an embedded ZnO micro-/nano-structured hollow sphere, Chem. Commun., vol. 53, pp. 2347-2350, 2017.36.X. Sun, B. Yuan, W. Rao, J. Liu*, Amorphous liquid metal electrodes enabled conformable electrochemical therapy of tumors, Biomaterials, vol. 146, pp. 156-167, 2017.37.S. Tan, X. Yang, H. Gui, Y. Ding, L. Wang, B. Yuan and J. Liu*, Galvanic corrosion couple induced Marangoni flow of liquid metal, Soft Matter, 13, 2309-2314, 2017.38.R. Guo and J. Liu*, Implantable liquid metal-based flexible neural microelectrode array and its application in recovering animal locomotion functions, J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 27, pp. 104002, 2017.39.X. Wang, Y. Zhang, R. Guo, H. Wang, B. Yuan, and J. Liu*, Conformable liquid metal printed epidermal electronics for smart physiological monitoring and simulation treatment, J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 28(3), pp. 034003, 2018.40.R. Guo, L. Sheng, H. Gong, J. Liu*, Liquid metal spiral coil enabled soft electromagnetic actuator, Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 61(4), pp. 516–521, 2018 (Cover article).41.S. T. Liang, J. Liu*, Colorful liquid metal printed electronics, Science China Technological Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11431-017-9116-9, 2017.42.H. Gui, S. Tan, Q. Wang, Y. Yu, F. Liu, J. Liu, J. Liu*, Spraying printing of liquid metal electronics on various clothes to compose wearable functional device, Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 60, pp. 306-316, 2017.43.J. Lu, L. Yi, L. Wang, S. Tan, H. Gui, J. Liu*, Liquid metal corrosion sculpture to fabricate quickly complex patterns on aluminum, Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 60, pp. 65-70, 2017.44.Y. Z. Yu, J. R. Lu, J. Liu*, 3D printing for functional electronics by injection and package of liquid metals into channels of mechanical structures, Materials & Design, doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.03.005, 2017. (Featured by: 3dprintingindustry.com/news/)45.X.-H. Yang, S.-C. Tan, Y.-J. Ding, J. Liu*, Flow and thermal modeling and optimization of micro/mini-channel heat sink, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 117, pp. 289–296, 2017.46.X.-H. Yang, S.-C. Tan, Z.-Z. He, Y. X., Zhou, J. Liu*, Evaluation and optimization of low melting point metal PCM heat sink against ultra-high thermal shock, Applied Thermal Engineering, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.03.050, 2017.47.X.-H. Yang, J. Liu*, Probing the Rayleigh-Benard convection phase change mechanism of low melting point metal via Lattice Boltzmann method, Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A, vol. 73(1), pp. 34-54, 2018.48.Y. Yao, J. Liu*, A polarized liquid metal worm squeezing across localized irregular gap, RSC Advances, vol. 7(18), pp. 11049-11056, 2017.49.J. Lu, W. Yu, S. Tan, L. Wang, X. Yang and J. Liu*, Controlled hydrogen generation using interaction of artificial seawater with aluminum plates activated by liquid Ga–In alloy, RSC Adv., vol.7, pp. 30839–30844, 2017.50.Y. Ding, Z. S. Deng, C. Cai, Z. Yang, Y. Yang, J. Lu, Y. Gao, J. Liu*, Bulk expansion effect of gallium-based thermal interface material, International Journal of Thermophysics, vol. 38, pp. 91, 2017.51.Z. Z. He*, J. Liu, A coupled continuum-discrete bioheat transfer model for vascularized tissue, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 107, pp. 544–556, 2017.52.W. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Liu, Y. An, Q. Wang*, J. Liu, NaK alloy-induced in vivo tumor ablation therapy, Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies, DOI: 10.1080/13645706.2017.1330758, 2017.53.Y. Yu, F. Liu, J. Liu*, Direct 3D printing of low melting point alloy via adhesion mechanism, Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. 23, pp.642-650, 2017.54.X.-H. Yang, S. C. Tan, Y.-J. Ding, L. Wang, J. Liu*, Y. Zhou, Experimental and numerical investigation of low melting point metal based PCM heat sink with internal fins, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 87, pp. 118-124, 2017.55.Xuyang Sun, Zhi-Zhu He, Zhong-Shan Deng, Yi-Xin Zhou and Jing Liu*, Liquid metal bath as conformable soft electrodes for target tissue ablation in radio-frequency ablation therapy, Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technology, https://doi.org/10.1080/13645706.2017.1393437, 2017.56.X. Zhao, S. Xu, J. Liu*, Surface tension of liquid metal: role, mechanism and application, Frontiers in Energy, vol.11(4), pp. 535–567, 2017.57.X. H. Yang, J. Liu*, Liquid metal enabled combinatorial heat transfer science: towards unconventional extreme cooling, Frontiers in Energy, 12(2): 259-275, 2018.58.X. D. Zhang, Y. Sun, S. Chen, J. Liu*, Unconventional hydrodynamics of hybrid fluid made of liquid metals and aqueous solution under applied fields, Frontiers in Energy, 12(2): 276-296, 2018.59.F. Deng, J. Dong, X. Wang, Y. Fang, Y. Liu, Z. Yu, J. Liu, and F. Chen*, Design and implementation of a non-contact sleep monitoring system using infrared cameras and motion sensor, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, in press, 2017.60.M. M. P. Colleoni, Q. Wang, J. Liu, B. Vidal*, Printing sub-THz wire grid polarizers using a composite liquid metal ink, Proc. SPIE 10103, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications X, 101031T (February 24, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2251491.61.L. Hu, L. Wang, Y. Ding, S. Zhan, J. Liu*, Manipulation of liquid metals on a graphite surface, Advanced Materials, vol. 28, pp. 9210-9217, 2016 (Cover Article).62.Hu L, Yuan B, Liu J. Liquid metal amoeba with spontaneous pseudopodia formation and motion capability. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 7256-1-9.63.Hu L, Li J, Tang J, Liu J. Surface effects of liquid metal amoeba. Science Bulletin, 2017, 62(10): 700-706.64.L. Wang, B. Yuan, J. Lu, S. Tan, F. Liu, L. Yu, Z. He, J. Liu*, Self-propelled and long-time transport motion of PVC particles on a water surface, Advanced Materials, vol. 28, pp. 4065–4070, 2016.65.B. Yuan, L. Wang, X. Yang, Y. Ding, S.Tan, L.Yi, Z. He, J. Liu*, Liquid metal machine triggered violin-like wire oscillator, Advanced Science, vol. 3, pp. 1600212 (4 pages), 2016 (Cover Article).66.L. Wang, Z. He, Y. Ding, X. Zhou, J. Liu*, The rebound motion of liquid metal droplet on flexible micro/nano needle forest, Advanced Materials Interfaces, vol.3, pp. 1600008 (6 pages), 2016.67.Y. J. Ding, J. Liu*, Dynamic interactions of Leidenfrost droplets on liquid metal surface, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 109, pp. 121904-1-5, 2016.68.J. Tang, J. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Zhou*, A volatile fluid assisted thermo-pneumatic liquid metal energy harvester, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, pp. 023903-1-4, 2016.69.J. Tang, J. Wang, J. Liu*, Y. Zhou*, Jumping liquid metal droplet in electrolyte triggered by solid metal particles, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, pp. 223901-1-5, 2016.70.L. Wang, J. Liu*, Liquid metal patterns induced by electric capillary force, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, pp. 161602, 2016.71.J. Zhang, R. Guo, J. Liu*, Self-propelled liquid metal motors steered by a magnetic or electrical field for drug delivery, J. Mater. Chem. B, vol. 4, pp. 5349-5357, 2016 (Cover Article).72.L. Wang, J. Liu*, Graphite induced periodical self-actuation of liquid metal, RSC Advances, vol. 6, pp. 60729–60735, 2016.73.Y. Yao, J. Liu*, Liquid metal wheeled small vehicle for cargo delivery, RSC Advances, vol. 6, pp. 56482–56488, 2016.74.L. Yi, Y. Ding, B. Yuan, L. Wang, L. Tian, C. Chen, F. Liu, J. Lu, S. Song, J. Liu*, Breathing to harvest energy as a mechanism towards making a liquid metal beating heart, RSC Advances, vol. 6, pp. 94692–94698, 2016.75.Y. Yu, Q. Wang, X. L. Wang, Y. H. Wu, J. Liu*, Liquid metal soft electrode triggered discharge plasma in aqueous solution, RSC Advances, vol. 6, pp. 114773-114778, 2016.76.C. Guo, L. Yi, Y. Yu, J. Liu*, Electrically induced reorganization phenomena of liquid metal film printed on biological skin, Appl. Phys. A, vol. 122, pp. 1070 (10 pages), 2016.77.X. Yang, S. Tan, B. Yuan, J. Liu*, Alternating electric field actuated oscillating behavior of liquid metal and its application, Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 59(4), pp. 597–603, 2016 (Cover article).78.S. Tan, Y. Zhou, L. Wang, J. Liu*, Electrically driven chip cooling device using hybrid coolants of liquid metal and aqueous solution, Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 59(2), pp. 301-308, 2016 (Cover article).79.J. Liu*, Liquid metal machine is evolving to soft robotics, Science China Technological Sciences, vol.59, pp. 1793-1794, 2016 (Invited).80.J. Liu*, Nano liquid metal materials: When nanotechnology meets with liquid metal, Nanotech Insights, vol.7, pp. 2-7, 2016 (Invited).81.F. Liu, Y. Yu, L. Yi, and J. Liu*, Liquid metal as reconnection agent for peripheral nerve injury, Science Bulletin, vol. 61 (12), pp. 939–947, 2016.82.S. C. Tan, H. Gui, X. H. Yang, B. Yuan, S. H. Zhan, J. Liu*, Comparative study on activation of aluminum with four liquid metals to generate hydrogen in alkaline solution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 41, pp. 22663-22667, 2016.83.X. H. Yang, B. Yuan, J. Liu*, Metal substrate enhanced hydrogen production of aluminum fed liquid phase Ga–In alloy inside aqueous solution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 41 (15), pp. 6193–6199, 2016.84.J. Li, C. Guo, Z. Wang, K. Gao, X. Shi, J. Liu*, Electrical stimulation towards melanoma therapy via liquid metal printed electronics on skin, Clin Trans Med, vol. 5, pp. 21 (7 pages), 2016.85.C. Jin, Z. He*, J. Liu*, Finite element method based three-dimensional thermal tomography for disease diagnosis of human body, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 138(10), pp. 104501, 2016.86.Y. Gao, R. Liu, X. Wang, J. Liu*, Q. Fang*, Flexible RFID tag inductor printed by liquid metal ink printer and its characterization, ASME J. Electron. Packag, vol. 138(3), pp. 031007, 2016.87.S. Xu, Z He*, Y. Zhou, J. Liu*, 3D modeling on biodegradable nanoparticle-enhanced cryoablation of liver tumor based on real anatomical model, Cryoletters, vol. 37 (6), pp. 411-420, 2016.88.L. Sheng, P. Yang, Z. He, G. Wang, J. Luo, J. Liu*, Characterization of normal and freeze-thawed tissues in vitro through the ultrasonic integrated backscatter, Cryoletters, vol.37(5), pp. 303-307, 2016.89.R. Liu*, X. Yang, J. Liu*, Thermal infrared images to quantify nanoparticles’ enhanced laser thermal effects on oocyte cells, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 16, pp. 1–9, doi:10.1166/jnn.2016.12967, 2016.90.X. L. Wang, J. Liu*, Recent advancements in liquid metal flexible printed electronics: Properties, technologies, and applications, Micromachines, vol. 7, pp. 206 (24 pages), 2016.91.Y. Ding, J. Liu*, Water film coated composite liquid metal marble and its fluidic impact dynamics phenomenon, Frontiers in Energy, vol. 10(1), pp. 29-36, 2016.92.X. H. Yang, S. C. Tan, J. Liu*, Numerical investigation of the phase change process of low melting point metal, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 100, pp. 899–907, 2016.93.X.-H. Yang, S.-C. Tan, J. Liu*, Thermal management of Li-ion battery with liquid metal, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 117, pp. 577–585, 2016.94.L. Zhang, X. Xue, J. Yan, L. Yan, X. Jin, X. Zhu, Z. He, J. Liu, R. Li, J. Qiao*, L-proline: a highly effective cryoprotectant for mouse oocyte vitrification, Sci Rep., vol. 6, pp. 26326, 2016.95.L. Sheng, S. Teo, J. Liu*, Liquid metal painted stretchable capacitor sensor devices for wearable healthcare electronics, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, vol. 36(2), pp. 265–272, 2016.96.R. Liu*, X. Yang, and J. Liu*, Thermal infrared images to quantify nanoparticles’ enhanced laser thermal effects on oocyte cells, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 16, pp.1-9, 2016. 97.J. Zhang, Y. Y. Yao, L. Sheng, J. Liu*, Self-fueled biomimetic liquid metal mollusk, Advanced Materials, vol. 27, 2648-2655, 2015 (Selected as Inside Front Cover Article; (Featured by a great many international science media and journals such as New Scientist, Nature, Nature Materials, Science News, Fox News etc.).98.Q. Wang, Y. Yang, J. Yang, J. Liu*, Fast fabrication of flexible functional circuits based on liquid metal dual-trans printing, Advanced Materials, vol. 27, pp. 7109–7116, 2015 (Selected as Back Cover Article).99.L. Sheng, Z. He, Y. Yao, J. Liu*, Transient state machine enabled from the colliding and coalescence of a swarm of autonomously running liquid metal motors, Small, vol. 11(39), pp. 5253-5261, 2015 (Selected as Inside Front Cover Article).100.J. B. Tang, Y. Zhou*, J. Liu, and J. J. Wang, W. X. Zhu, Liquid metal actuated ejector vacuum system, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 106, pp. 031901, 2015.101.S. C. Tan, H. Gui, B. Yuan, J. Liu*, Magnetic trap effect to restrict motion of self-powered tiny liquid metal motors, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 107, pp. 071904, 2015.102.Z. Z. He*, J. Liu, An efficient thermal evolution model for cryoablation with arbitrary multi-cryoprobe configuration, Cryobiology, vol. vol. 71(2), pp. 318-28, 2015.103.L. Wang, Liu, J.*, Electromagnetic rotation of a liquid metal sphere or pool within a solution, Proceedings of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 471(0150177), doi: 10.1098/rspa.2015.0177, 2015 (Selected as Cover Article).104.S. C. Tan, B. Yuan, Liu, J.*, Electrical method to control the running direction and speed of self-powered tiny liquid metal motors, Proceedings of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 47, DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2015.0297, 2015.105.B. Yuan, S. C. Tan, Liu, J.*, Dynamic hydrogen generation phenomenon of aluminum fed liquid phase Ga-In alloy inside NaOH electrolyte, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(3): 1453-1459.106.L. Wang, Liu, J.*, Pressured liquid metal screen printing for rapid manufacture of high resolution electronic patterns, RSC Advances, vol. 5, pp. 57686 - 57691, 2015.107.X. Xue, H.-L. Jin, Z.-Z. He*, J. Liu*, Quantifying the growth rate and morphology of ice crystals growth in cryoprotectants via high-speed camera and cryo-microscope, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 137(9), pp. 091020, 2015.108.L. Yi, J. Li, C. Guo, L. Li, J. Liu*, Liquid metal ink enabled rapid prototyping of electrochemical sensor for wireless glucose detection on the platform of mobile phone, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 9(4), pp. 044507 (7 pages), 2015.109.F. F. Lee, F. Chen, and J. Liu*, Infrared thermal imaging system on a mobile phone, Sensors, vol. 15, pp. 10166-10179, 2015.110.Y. Y. Lai, J. Liu*, Transparent soft PDMS eggshell, Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 58(2), pp. 273-283, 2015 (Featured by a great many international science media and journals).111.B. Yuan, S. C. Tan, Y. X. Zhou, and J. Liu*, Self-powered macroscopic Brownian motion of spontaneously running liquid metal motors, Science Bulletin, vol. 60, pp. 1203-1210, 2015.112.B. Yuan, Z. Z. He, W. Q. Fang, X.Bao, and J. Liu*, Liquid metal spring: Oscillating coalescence and ejection of contacting liquid metal droplets, Science Bulletin, vol. 60, pp. 648-653, 2015.113.J. Zhang, Y. Y. Yao, and J. Liu*, Autonomous convergence and divergence of the self-powered soft liquid metal vehicles, Science Bulletin, vol. 60, pp. 943-951, 2015 (Selected as Cover Article).114.L. Wang, J. Liu*, Ink spraying based liquid metal printed electronics for directly making smart home appliances, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, vol. 4, pp. 3057-3062, 2015.115.J. Yang, Y. Yang, Z. Z. He, B. W. Chen, J. Liu*, Desktop personal liquid metal printer as pervasive electronics manufacture yool for the coming society, Engineering, vol. 1(4): 506 –512, 2015 (invited article).116.L. Sheng, S. Teo, J. Liu*, Liquid metal painted stretchable capacitor sensor devices for wearable healthcare electronics, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, in press, 2015.117.R. Liu*, J. Wang, and J. Liu*, Thermal infrared images to quantify thermal ablation effects of acid and base on target tissues, AIP Advances, vol. 5, pp. 077176, 2015. 118.R. Liu*, X. Yang, and J. Liu*, Thermal infrared images to quantify nanoparticles’ enhanced laser thermal effects on oocyte cells, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015. 119.Y. Y. Yao, L. Sheng, J. Liu*, Injectable spontaneous generation of tremendous self-fueled liquid metal droplet motors in a moment, arXiv:1504.02851, 2015.120.L. Sheng, J. Zhang, J. Liu*, Diverse transformation effects of liquid metal among different morphologies. Advanced Materials, vol. 26, pp. 6036-6042, 2014 (Featured by more than one hundred international science media; Selected as Cover Article).121.Y. Yu, Q. Wang, L. T. Yi, J. Liu*, Channelless fabrication for large-scale preparation of room temperature liquid metal droplets, Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 16, pp. 255-262, 2014 (Selected as Cover Article).122.Y. Zheng, Z. Z. He, J. Yang, J. Liu*, Personal electronics printing via tapping mode composite liquid metal ink delivery and adhesion mechanism. Scientific Reports, vol. 4, pp. 4588, 2014. (Featured by many science media)123.J. Zhang, L. Sheng, J. Liu*, Synthetically chemical-electrical mechanism for controlling large scale reversible deformation of liquid metal objects. Scientific Reports, vol. 4, pp. 7116, 2014.124.L. T. Yi, C. Jin, L. Wang, J. Liu*, Liquid-solid phase transition alloy as reversible and rapid molding bone cement. Biomaterials, vol. 35(37), pp. 9789-9801, 2014. (Featured by many science media)125.C. Guo, Y. Yu and J. Liu*, Rapidly patterning conductive components on skin substrates as physiological testing devices via liquid metal spraying and pre-designed mask, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, vol. 2, pp. 5739-5745, 2014 (Selected as Back Cover Article)126.W.-Q. Fang, Z. Z. He and Jing Liu*, Electro-hydrodynamic shooting phenomenon of liquid metal stream, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 105, pp. 134104-1-4, 2014.127.Q. Zhang, Y. X. Gao, J. Liu*, Atomized spraying of liquid metal droplets on desired substrate surfaces as a generalized way for ubiquitous printed electronics, Applied Physics A, vol. 116, pp. 1091–1097, 2014 (also see arXiv:1311.2158, 2013, Featured by many science media such as MIT Technology Review, see story: “Liquid Metal Printer Lays Electronic Circuits on Paper, Plastic, and Even Cotton”)128.H. Y. Li, S. F. Mei, L. Wang, Y. X. Gao, and J. Liu*, Splashing phenomena of room temperature liquid metal droplet striking on the pool of the same liquid under ambient air environment, Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 47, pp. 1-8, 2014.129.Q. Wang, Y. Yu, K. Pan, and J. Liu*, Liquid metal angiography for mega contrast X-ray visualization of vascular network in reconstructing in-vitro organ anatomy, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.61(7), pp. 2161-2166, 2014 (Featured by many science media).130.M. L. Luo, Y. X. Zhou, J. Liu*, Blade heat dissipator with room-temperature liquid metal running inside a sheet of hollow chamber, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol.4(3), pp. 459-464, 2014.131.Y. G. Deng and J. Liu*, Flexible mechanical joint as human exoskeleton using low-melting-point alloy, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 8, pp. 044506, 2014.132.Y. G. Deng and J. Liu*, Liquid metal based stretchable radiation-shielding film, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 9(1), 014502, 2015.133.C. Jin, Zhi-Zhu He, and J. Liu*, Thermal electrical property effects of bone structure on the magnetic-nanoparticle enhanced hyperthermia targeting tumor underneath the ribs, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, in press, 2014.134.S. F. Mei, Y. X. Gao, Z. S. Deng, and J. Liu*, Thermally conductive and highly electrically resistive grease through homogeneously dispersing liquid metal droplets inside methyl silicone oil, ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, vol.136(1), 011009, 2014.135.L. Sheng, G. B. Wang, F. B. Li, J. W. Luo, J. Liu*, Ultrasound signal wavelet analysis to quantify the microstructures of normal and frozen tissues in vitro, Cryobiology, vol. 68(1), pp. 29-34, 2014.136.J. Zhang, C. Jin, Z. Z. He, and J. Liu*, Numerical simulations on conformable laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy through combined use of multi-beam heating and biodegradable nanoparticles, Laser Med Sci, vol.29(4), pp. 1505-1516, 2014.137.R. C. Ma, C. R. Guo, Y. X. Zhou, J. Liu*, Electromigration induced break-up phenomena in liquid metal printed thin films, Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 43(11), pp. 4255-4261, 2014.138.L. Wang, J. Liu*, Liquid phase 3D printing for quickly manufacturing conductive metal objects with low melting point alloy ink, Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 57(9), pp. 1721-1728, 2014 (Selected as Cover article and Hot article; Featured by many science media).139.L. Wang, J. Liu*, Compatible hybrid 3D printing of metal and nonmetal inks for direct manufacture of end functional devices, Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 57(11), pp. 2089–2095, 2014.140.L. Wang, Liu, J.*, Printing low melting point alloy ink to directly make solidified circuit or functional device with heating pen, Proceedings of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. vol. 470(2172), doi: 10.1098/rspa.2014.0609, 2014 (Selected as Cover Article).141.J. Yang, and J. Liu*, Direct printing and assembly of FM radio at the user end via liquid metal printer, Circuit World, vol. 40 (4), 134–140, 2014.142.L. Li*, X. Q. Lv, H. Guo*, X. T. Shi, and J. Liu, On-chip direct freezing and thawing of mammalian cells, RSC Advances, vol. 4, 34443-34447, 2014.143.J. Zhang, L. Sheng, and J. Liu*, Liquid metal as connecting or functional recovery channel for the transected sciatic nerve, arXiv:1404.5931, 2014. (Featured by more than 100 science media or web such as: New Scientist, MIT Technology Review, IEEE SPECTRUM, Physics Today, Daily Mail, Discovery, Geek etc.)144.C. Jin, Z.Z. He, Y. Yang, J. Liu*, MRI-based three-dimensional thermal physiological characterization of thyroid gland of human body, Medical Engineering & Physics, vol.36(1), pp. 16-25, 2014.145.C. Jin, Z. Z. He, J. Liu*, MRI-based finite element simulation on radiofrequency ablation of thyroid cancer, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol.113(2), pp. 529–538, 2014.146.L. Li, X. Lv, S. Ostrovidovc, X. Shi*, N. Zhang, J. Liu, A biomimetic microfluidic device for in vitro antihypertensive drug evaluation, Molecular Pharmaceutics, vol. 11 (7), pp. 2009–2015, 2014.147.L. Li*, Y. Yang, X. T. Shi, H. K. Wu, H. D. Chen, J. Liu, A microfluidic system for the study of the response of endothelial cells under pressure, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 16(6), pp. 1089-1096, 2014.148.R. C. Ma, Y. X. Zhou, J. Liu*, Floating and flying ferrofluid bridges induced by external magnetic fields, Modern Physics Letters B, 29, 1550029, 2014.149.Y. X. Gao, L. Wang, H. Y. Li, J. Liu*, Liquid metal as energy transportation medium or coolant under harsh environment with temperature below zero centigrade, Frontiers in Energy, vol. 8(1), pp. 49-61, 2014.150.D. Dai, J. Liu*, Hip-mounted electromagnetic generator to harvest energy from human motion, Frontiers in Energy, vol. 8(2), pp. 173–181, 2014.151.Y. Zheng, Z. Z. He, J. Yang, J Liu*, Direct desktop Printed-Circuits-on-Paper flexible electronics. Scientific Report, 3: 1786-1-7, 2013. (Feature stories by Nature Asia, National Geographic News, Chemistry World, Asian Scientist Magazine, Desktop Engineering etc.)152.C. Jin, J. Zhang, X. K. Li, X. Y. Yang, J. J. Li, J. Liu*. Injectable 3-D fabrication of medical electronics at the target biological tissues. Scientific Reports, 3, 3442-1-7, 2013 (Featured by many science media).153.Y. Liu, M. Gao, S. F. Mei, Y. T. Han, and J. Liu*, Ultra-compliant liquid metal electrodes with in-plane self-healing capability for dielectric elastomer actuators, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, 064101, 2013.154.S. F. Mei, Y. X. Gao, H. Y. Li, Z. S. Deng, and J. Liu*, Thermally induced porous structures in printed gallium coating to make transparent conductive film, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, 041509-1-4, 2013.155.R. Liu*, X. Y. Yang, C. Y. Jin, J. J. Fu, W. X. Chen, J. Liu, Development of three-dimension microelectrode array for bioelectric measurement using the liquid metal-micromolding technique, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 103, 193701-1-4, 2013.156.Y. Zheng, Q. Zhang, J. Liu*, Pervasive liquid metal based direct writing electronics with roller-ball pen, AIP Advances, vol. 3, 112117-1-6, 2013.157.Y. Yu, J. Zhang, J. Liu*, Biomedical implementation of liquid metal ink as drawable ECG electrode and skin circuit, PLoS ONE, vol. 8(3): e58771-1-6, 2013. (Feature story by Chemistry World)158.Y. X. Gao, H. Y. Li, J. Liu*, Directly writing resistor, inductor and capacitor to composite functional circuits: A super-simple way for alternative electronics, PLoS ONE, vol. 8(8): e69761-1-8, 2013.159.Y. Yu, J. Liu*, M-HELP: A Miniaturized total Health Examination system Launched on the platform of mobile Phone, Telemedicine and e-Health, vol.19 (11): 857-65, 2013.160.D. Dai, J. Liu*, Design of a practical human-powered contactless charger for cellphone, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 59(3), pp. 476-482, 2013.161.Y. G. Deng, J. Liu*, Optimization and evaluation of a high performance liquid metal CPU cooling product, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol.3(7), pp. 1171-1177, 2013.162.C. Jin, Z.-Z. He, J. Zhang, X.-Y. Yang, J. Liu*, Enhanced thermographic detection of skin cancer through combining laser scanning and biodegradable nanoparticles, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, vol.4(1): 011004 (8 pages), 2013.163.Y. Yang*, G. D. Xu, J. Liu, A prototype of implantable thermoelectric generator for permanent power supply to body inside medical device, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 8(1), pp. 014507, 2013.164.M. Gao, L. Gui*, J. Liu, Study of liquid-metal based heating method for temperature gradient focusing purpose, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 135, pp. 091006 (8 pages), 2013.165.H. S. Ge, J. Liu*, Keeping smartphones cool with gallium phase change material, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol.135(5), pp. 054503 (5 pages), 2013.166.Y. Yang*, J. Liu, Evaluation on the power-generation capacity of implantable thermoelectric generator driven by radioisotope fuel, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol.135(7): 071004 (8 pages), 2013.167.Z. Z. He*, X. Xue, J. Liu, An effective finite difference method for simulation of bioheat transfer in irregular tissues, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol.135(7), pp. 071003, 2013.168.P. P. Li, J. Liu*, Y. X. Zhou, Design of a self-driven liquid metal cooling device for heat dissipation of hot chips in a closed cabinet, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, vol.6(1), 011009, 2013.169.Z. Q. Sun, Y. Yang, and J. Liu*, Alternative cooling and heating as a novel minimally invasive approach for treating obesity, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol.64, pp. 29-39, 2013.170.X. Xue, Z.Z. He*, J. Liu*, Computational study of thermal effects of large blood vessels in human knee joint, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol.43, pp.63-72, 2013.171.Q. Zhang, J. Liu*, Nano liquid metal as an emerging functional material in energy management, conversion and storage, Nano Energy, vol.2, pp. 863-872, 2013 (Invited article).172.H. S. Ge, H. Y. Li, S. F. Mei, J. Liu*, Low melting point liquid metal as a new class of phase change material: An emerging frontier in energy area, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 21, pp. 331-346, 2013.173.L. Ma, Y. Yang, and J. Liu*, Cooling of high power LEDs through ventilating ambient air to front surface of chip, Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.49, pp. 85-94, 2013.174.Y. Yang*, J. Liu, Computational characterization on the thermoacoustic thermophone effects induced by micro/nano-heating elements, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol.14: 873-884 2013.175.X. Xue, Z. Z. He*, J. Liu*, Detection of water-ice phase transition based on Raman spectrum, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, vol. 44: 1045–1048, 2013.176.M. F. Xiong, Y. X. Gao and Jing Liu*, Fabrication of magnetic nano liquid metal fluid through loading of Ni nanoparticles into gallium or its alloy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol.354, pp. 279-283, 2013.177.Z. S. Deng*, J. Liu*, Recent advances in modeling and computing the three-dimensional bioheat transfer with phase change in cryosurgical ablation of tumor tissues, Heat Transfer Research, vol. 44(3–4), 273–302, 2013 (invited review).178.L. Wang, Y. Liu, J. Liu*, Thermodynamic basis and related phase equilibria for In-Na and In-Ca binary systems, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, vol. 34(6), pp 447-452, 2013.179.Z. Z. He*, X. Xue, J. Xiao and J. Liu, Anatomical model-based finite element analysis of the combined cryosurgical and hyperthermic ablation for knee bone tumor, Comput Methods Programs Biomed., vol. 112(3): 356-366, 2013.180.Z. S. Deng, J. Liu*, Chemothermal therapy for localized heating and ablation of tumor, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol.4 (3), pp.409-425, 2013 (Invited article).181.L. T. Yi, J. Liu*, Recent patents on devices and technologies for early cancer diagnostics, Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 6(4), published online, 2013.182.C. Jin, Y. Yang, Z.-J. Xue, K.-M. Liu, J. Liu*, Study on an automated analysis method of knee osteoarthritis screening using medical infrared thermography, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, vol. 33(5): 471-477, 2013.183.L. Wang, J. Liu*, Liquid metal material genome: Initiation of a new research track towards discovery of advanced energy materials, Frontiers in Energy, vol. 7(3), pp. 317–332, 2013.184.M. Luo, J. Liu*, Experimental investigation on liquid metal alloy based mini-channel heat exchanger for high power electronic devices, Frontiers in Energy, vol. 7(4): 479–486, 2013.185.H.Y. Li, Y. Yang, and J. Liu*, Printable tiny thermocouple by liquid metal gallium and its matching metal, Applied Physics Letters, vol.101, 073511(4 pages), 2012.186.Y. X. Gao, H. Y. Li and J. Liu*, Direct writing of flexible electronics through room temperature liquid metal ink, PLoS ONE, vol.7(9), e45485(10 pages), 2012.187.D.-R. Di, Z.-Z. He, Z.-Q. Sun, and J. Liu*, A new nano-cryosurgical modality for tumor treatment using biodegradable MgO nanoparticles, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, vol.8, pp.1233-1241, 2012 (Selected as Feature Article & Cover Article).188.Q. Wang, L.P. Xie, Z.Z. He, D.R. Di, J. Liu*, Biodegradable magnesium nanoparticles enhanced laser hyperthermia therapy, International Journal of Nanomedicine, vol.7, pp.4715-4725, 2012.189.Q. Wang, Z. S. Deng, J. Liu*, Theoretical evaluations of magnetic nanoparticle-enhanced heating on tumor embedded with large blood vessels during hyperthermia, Journal Nanopart Res, vol.14: 974 (10 pages), 2012.190.Z. Sun,Y. Yang,J. Liu*, In vivo experiments and numerical investigations on nanocryosurgical freezing of target tissues with large blood vessels, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 8(1): 10-18, 2012.191.D. Dai, J. Liu*, Human powered wireless charger for low-power mobile electronic devices, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol.58(3), pp. 767-774, 2012.192.Y. G. Deng, J. Liu*, Heat spreader based on room-temperature liquid metal, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, vol.4, 024501 (4 pages), 2012.193.C. Jin, Z.Z. He, S.S. Zhang, M.C. Qi, Z.Q. Sun, D.R. Di, J. Liu*, A feasible method for measuring the blood flow velocity in superficial artery 3 based on the laser induced dynamic thermography, Infrared Physics & Technology, vol.55, pp.462-468, 2012.194.Y. X. Gao and J. Liu*, Gallium-based thermal interface material with high compliance and wettability, Appl Phys A, vol. 107:701–708, 2012.195.Y. G. Deng, J. Liu*, An experimental investigation of liquid metal thermal joint, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 56, pp. 152-156, 2012.196.Q. Wang, J. Liu*, Mobile phone as pervasive electronic media to record and evaluate human gait behavior, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, vol.5(1), pp. 1150004 (8 pages), 2012.197.J. Yang, B. W. Chen and J. Liu*, Mobile phone based healthcare platform for assisting lung cancer prevention, Journal of Cancer Research Updates, vol.1, pp.87-93, 2012.198.D. Dai, J. Liu*, Tackling global electricity shortage through human power: Technical opportunities from direct or indirect utilizations of the pervasive and green human energy, Frontiers in Energy, vol.6(3), pp. 210-226, 2012 (Invited feature article).199.Q. Zhang, Y. Zheng, J. Liu*, Direct writing of electronics based on alloy and metal ink (DREAM Ink): A newly emerging area and its impact on energy, environment and health sciences, Frontiers in Energy, vol.6(4), pp. 311-340, 2012 (Invited feature article).200.D. Dai, J. Liu*, Y. Zhou, Harvesting biomechanical energy in the walking by shoe based on liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics, Frontiers in Energy, vol. 6(2): 112–121, 2012.201.H. S. Ge, J. Liu*, Phase change effect of low melting point metal for an automatic cooling of USB flash memory, Frontiers in Energy, vol.6(3), pp. 207-209, 2012.202.G.-D. Xu, Y. Yang, Y. X. Zhou, J. Liu*, Wearable thermal energy harvester powered by human foot, Frontiers in Energy, DOI 10.1007/s11708-012-0215-9, 2012.203.Y. Liu, J. Liu*, Surgical robotics: A look-back of latest advancement and bio-inspired ways to tackle existing challenges, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 7(4), pp. 376-384, 2012.204.D. Jia., W. Rao, C. Wang, C. Jin, S. Wang, D. Chen, M. Zhang, J. Guo, Z. Chang, J. Liu*, Inhibition of B16 murine melanoma metastasis and enhancement of immunity by fever-range whole body hyperthermia, International Journal of Hyperthermia, vol.27, pp. 275-285, 2011. (Cover paper)205.Q. Wang, J. Liu*, Effects of nonuniform tissue properties on temperature prediction in magnetic nanohyperthermia, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, vol.2, 021012, 2011.206.Y. Yang, J. Liu*, Detection of atherosclerosis through mapping skin temperature variation caused by carotid atherosclerosis plaques, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, vol.3, 031005, 2011.207.P. Li and Jing Liu*. Harvesting low grade heat to generate electricity with thermosyphon effect of room temperature liquid metal, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 99, 094106, 2011.208.X. Xue, J. Liu*, Mechanism interpretation of the biological brain cooling and Its inspiration on bionic engineering, Journal of Bionic Engineering, vol.8, pp. 207–222, 2011.209.D. Dai, Y. Zhou, Jing Liu*. Liquid metal based thermoelectric generation system for waste heat recovery, Renewable Energy, vol. 36, pp. 3530-3536, 2011.210.J. Xiao, Z.Z. He, Y. Yang, B.W. Chen, Z.S. Deng, J. Liu*, Investigation on three-dimensional temperature field of human knee considering anatomical structure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 54, pp.1851–60, 2011.211.Y. Yang, H. Wang, and J. Liu*, Mobile phone enabled pervasive measurement of liquid viscosity, Appl. Rheol, 21: 63890, 2011.212.X. Xue, J. Liu*, Multi-scale modeling on human intravascular cooling to induce brain hypothermia via circle of Willis, Forschung im Ingenieurwesen-Engineering Research, 75,257-269, 2011.213.L. Liu, J. Liu*, Mobile phone enabled controlling for medical care and handicapped assistance. Expert Review of Medical Devices, 8(6): 757-768, 2011.214.L. Xie, Q. Wang and J. Liu*, Recent patents on biomedical devices and nanomaterials for hyperthermal therapy of cancer, Recent Patents on Nanomedicine, 1, 19-37, 2011.215.D. Jia and J. Liu*, Multiscale effect of localized heating on the global temperature response of a human body during whole body hyperthermia. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, vol.70, pp.343-362, 2011.216.P. Zeng, Z.S. Deng*, J. Liu, Parallel algorithms for freezing problems during cryosurgery, International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 3, 2, 2011.217.P. Zeng, Z.S. Deng*, J. Liu, Capsaicin-induced thermal enhancement on target tissues in hyperthermia, International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, vol.3(2), pp. 11-19, 2011.218.L. Liu, J. Liu*, Biomedical sensor technologies on the platform of mobile phones, Front. Mech. Eng., vol.6, pp.160-175, 2011.219.H. Y. Li, J. Liu*. 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