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高福 男 博导 微生物研究所电子邮件:gaof@im.ac.cn
病原微生物与免疫学, 主要研究病原微生物与宿主互作及宿主免疫识别过程中相关的蛋白质结构与功能。
1991-09--1994-08 英国牛津大学 博士 1983-09--1986-07 北京农业大学(现中国农业大学) 硕士 1979-09--1983-07 山西农业大学 学士
1991 - 1995, 英国牛津大学 (Oxford University),博士,生物化学。
1983 - 1986, 北京农业大学,硕士,微生物学与动物传染病学。
1979 - 1983, 山西农业大学,学士,兽医学。
-- 博士
1991-1994 年 英国牛津大学 博士 ( DPhil-Oxon )(师从 David H L Bishop, Ernest A Gould )
1994 年(3个月) 加拿大 Calgary University 博士后(师从 Robert Bell )  1995-1998 年 英国牛津大学 博士后(师从 John I bell, Andrew J McMichael, Bent K Jakobsen )
1999-2001 年 美国哈佛大学 / 哈佛医学院 博士后(师从 Don C Wiley, Stephen C Harrison )(工作期间资助:英国 Wellcome Trust International Travelling Fellow )
2001-2004 年 英国牛津大学 讲师、博士生导师、 Group leader
1986-1991 年 北京农业大学 助教 / 讲师
1994 年(3个月) 加拿大 Calgary University 博士后(师从 Robert Bell )   
1995-1998 年 英国牛津大学 博士后(师从 John I bell, Andrew J McMichael, Bent K Jakobsen )
1999-2001 年 美国哈佛大学 / 哈佛医学院 博士后(师从 Don C Wiley, Stephen C Harrison )(工作期间资助:英国 Wellcome Trust International Travelling Fellow )
2001-2004 年 英国牛津大学 讲师、博士生导师、 Group leader
2004 -2008年 中国科学院微生物研究所 所长
2004-至今 中国科学院微生物研究所 研究员、博士生导师
2008-至今 中国科学院北京生命科学研究院 副院长,中国科学院病原微生物与免疫学重点实验室 主任
2010-至今 英国牛津大学 客座教授
2011-至今 中国疾病预防控制中心 副主任
2012-01--今 《Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences》杂志 2011-10--今 中国微生物学会病毒学专业委员会 ,副主任委员 2011-06--今 中国科学技术协会,第八届常委 2010-12--今 中国生物工程学会,第五届理事会副理事长 2010-10--今 中国免疫学会 2010-01--今 《Protein & Cell》杂志 2010-01--今 牛津大学,客座教授 2009-01--今 《Experimental Biology and Medicine》杂志 2006-06--今 国际抗病毒联盟(ICAV)
[1] 刘翠华, 任小波, 汪静, 逄宇, 仝舟, 高福. 科技助力结核病防控:现状、进展与对策. 中国科学院院刊. 2022, 112-122, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&dbname=CJFDLAST2022&filename=KYYX202201014&v=MDk3NzZVNzdCTGpUU2RyRzRITlBNcm85RVlJUjhlWDFMdXhZUzdEaDFUM3FUcldNMUZyQ1VSN2lmWk9kdkZpcms=.[2] Luzhao Feng, Ting Zhang, Qing Wang, Yiran Xie, Zhibin Peng, Jiandong Zheng, Ying Qin, Muli Zhang, Shengjie Lai, Dayan Wang, Zijian Feng, Zhongjie Li, George F Gao. Impact of COVID-19 outbreaks and interventions on influenza in China and the United States. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2021, 12(1):&nbsp[3] Dai, Lianpan, Gao, George F. Viral targets for vaccines against COVID-19. NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGYnull. 2021, 21(2):&nbsp73-82, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41577-020-00480-0.[4] Xu, Kun, Dai, Lianpan, Gao, George F. Humoral and cellular immunity and the safety of COVID-19 vaccines: a summary of data published by 21 May 2021. INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOLOGYnull. 2021, 33(10):&nbsp529-540, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/intimm/dxab061.[5] Wang, Yanan, Lyu, Na, Liu, Fei, Liu, William J, Bi, Yuhai, Zhang, Zewu, Ma, Sufang, Cao, Jian, Song, Xiaofeng, Wang, Aiping, Zhang, Gaiping, Hu, Yongfei, Zhu, Baoli, Gao, George Fu. More diversified antibiotic resistance genes in chickens and workers of the live poultry markets. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2021, 153: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2021.106534.[6] Zhang, Zengyuan, Zhang, Yanfang, Liu, Kefang, Li, Yan, Lu, Qiong, Wang, Qingling, Zhang, Yuqin, Wang, Liang, Liao, Hanyi, Zheng, Anqi, Ma, Sufang, Fan, Zheng, Li, Huifang, Huang, Weijin, Bi, Yuhai, Zhao, Xin, Wang, Qihui, Gao, George F, Xiao, Haixia, Tong, Zhou, Qi, Jianxun, Sun, Yeping. The molecular basis for SARS-CoV-2 binding to dog ACE2. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS[J]. 2021, 12(1):&nbsphttp://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-24326-y.[7] Niu, Sheng, Wang, Jia, Bai, Bin, Wu, Lili, Zheng, Anqi, Chen, Qian, Du, Pei, Han, Pengcheng, Zhang, Yanfang, Jia, Yunfei, Qiao, Chengpeng, Qi, Jianxun, Tian, Wenxia, Wang, HongWei, Wang, Qihui, Gao, George Fu. Molecular basis of cross-species ACE2 interactions with SARS-CoV-2-like viruses of pangolin origin. EMBO JOURNAL[J]. 2021, 40(16):&nbsphttp://dx.doi.org/10.15252/embj.2021107786.[8] Yang, Shilong, Li, Yan, Dai, Lianpan, Wang, Jianfeng, He, Peng, Li, Changgui, Fang, Xin, Wang, Chenfei, Zhao, Xiang, Huang, Enqi, Wu, Changwei, Zhong, Zaixin, Wang, Fengze, Duan, Xiaomin, Tian, Siyu, Wu, Lili, Liu, Yan, Luo, Yi, Chen, Zhihai, Li, Fangjun, Li, Junhua, Yu, Xian, Ren, Hong, Liu, Lihong, Meng, Shufang, Yan, Jinghua, Hu, Zhongyu, Gao, Lidong, Gao, George F. Safety and immunogenicity of a recombinant tandem-repeat dimeric RBD-based protein subunit vaccine (ZF2001) against COVID-19 in adults: two randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 1 and 2 trials. LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES[J]. 2021, 21(8):&nbsp1107-1119, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00127-4.[9] Tian, Wenmin, Li, Delin, Zhang, Nan, Bai, Guijie, Yuan, Kai, Xiao, Haixia, Gao, Feng, Chen, Yang, Wong, Catherine C L, Gao, George Fu. O-glycosylation pattern of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein reveals an "O-Follow-N" rule. CELL RESEARCHnull. 2021, 31(10):&nbsp1123-1125, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41422-021-00545-2.[10] Xie, Yijia, Li, Xin, Chai, Yan, Song, Hao, Qi, Jianxun, Gao, George F. Structural basis of malarial parasite RIFIN-mediated immune escape against LAIR1. CELL REPORTS[J]. 2021, 36(8):&nbsphttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109600.[11] Zhao, Min, Fu, Lijun, Chai, Yan, Sun, Meng, Li, Yan, Wang, Shuo, Qi, Jianxun, Zeng, Bin, Kang, Le, Gao, George F, Tan, Shuguang. Atypical TNF-TNFR superfamily binding interface in the GITR-GITRL complex for T cell activation. CELL REPORTS[J]. 2021, 36(12):&nbsphttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109734.[12] Li, Juan, Lai, Shengjie, Gao, George F, Shi, Weifeng. The emergence, genomic diversity and global spread of SARS-CoV-2. NATUREnull. 2021, 600(7889):&nbsp408-418, [13] Tong, Yigang, Liu, Wenli, Liu, Peipei, Liu, William J, Wang, Qihui, Gao, George F. The origins of viruses: discovery takes time, international resources, and cooperation. LANCETnull. 2021, 398(10309):&nbsp1401-1402, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02180-2.[14] Cao, Yuhong, Gao, George F. mRNA vaccines: A matter of delivery. 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NATURE COMMUNICATIONSnull. 2021, 12(1):&nbsphttps://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000641852200001.[30] Danqing, Chen, Shuguang, Tan, Hao, Zhang, Haiyuan, Wang, Weiwu, He, Rui, Shi, Zhou, Tong, Jianhua, Zhu, Hao, Cheng, Shan, Gao, Yan, Chai, Jianxun, Qi, Minghui, Xiao, 严景华, 高福. PD-1的FG环是肿瘤免疫检查点治疗中单克隆抗体的“热点”. 科学新闻. 2020, 141-141, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7102181416.[31] XinLing Wang, DeQuan Wang, FuChao Jiao, KaiMo Ding, YanBin Ji, Lin Lu, Kai Yuan, George Fu Gao, SuXia Li. RETRACTED: Diurnal rhythm disruptions induced by chronic unpredictable stress relate to depression-like behaviors in rats. 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(1) 免疫学前沿进展 (第二版) 第七章: 结构免疫学研究进展: 主要组织相容性复合物的分子识别,Frontier Progress of Immunology (Edition 2) Chapter 7 Research Progress of Sructural Immunology: Molecular Recognition of Major Histocompatibility Complex ,人民卫生出版社,2011-12,第3作者 (2) 主要组织相容性复合物与多肽的相互作用,Major Histocompatibility Complex: Interaction with Peptides,John Wiley and Sons, Ltd,2011-08,第2作者 (3) 应用于健康、环境及生物安全的生物传感器 第七章:应用于人类健康的无标记生物传感器,Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity Chapter 7: Label-free Biosensors for Health Applications,InTech,2011-07,第1作者 (4) 免疫学前沿进展(第一版) 第六章: 结构免疫学研究进展: 主要组织相容性复合物的分子识别,Frontier Progress of Immunology (Edition 1) Chapter 6 Research Progress of Sructural Immunology: Molecular Recognition of Major Histocompatibility Complex ,人民卫生出版社,2009-12,第3作者
(1) Follow-up of Surveillance of the Wild Birds and Pl,主持,其他级,2011-12--2012-11 (2) 新型免疫细胞δβ T细胞识别配体的功能和结构基础,主持,部委级,2011-01--2014-12 (3) 重要病毒跨种间感染与传播致病的分子机制研究,主持,部委级,2011-01--2015-12 (4) 病原微生物与宿主互作的分子机制,主持,部委级,2011-01--2013-12 (5) 获得性免疫的起源与演化,参与,部委级,2011-01--2013-12
(1) Special characteristics of the 2009-pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus hemagglutinin and neuraminidase,2012-04,高福 (2) Nectin and nectin-like molecules: Adhesion, immune,2012-04,高福 (3) 2009 Pandemic influenza virus: what special for its HA and NA,2012-01,高福 (4) Making the CTL-epitopes featured for T cell recognition,2011国际免疫暨肿瘤研讨会,2011-12,高福 (5) 创新:永远的追求——我所认识的田波院士,第九届全国病毒学学术研讨会,2011-09,高福 (6) 分会主席,2011-09,分会主席 (7) ILT: Differential Binding to HLA,第二届海峡两岸四地免疫学研讨会,2011-08,高福 (8) T-cell-based immunotherapy,第五届中国生物产业大会,2011-06,高福 (9) 2009 Pandemic influenza virus: what special for its HA and NA,2011-06,高福 (10) Study of CTL-based cellular immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus,2011-06,高福 (11) 2009 Pandemic influenza virus: what special for its HA and NA,2011-01,高福
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